Bible History - The Jewish Year
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College
The Sevenfold Worthiness of the Son
This passage tells of the change in how God revealed His truth from the times of the Old Testament to the times of the New Testament. In the OT, He gave His revelation through the prophets. In the NT, He revealed Himself through His Son.
The Power of the Blood
This world needs the atonement of “a lamb”, but only “the lamb” can avail. Have you made the Lamb “your lamb”?
Single & Serving
Does God use single ladies in His work or do they just need to wait until they find a husband?
The Ark, A Type of Christ
Noah's ark was a real, historical boat, but it is also a glorious type of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The Unfinished Work of a Crucified Saviour
Shortly before He drew His last breath, Jesus Christ cried out, “It is Finished”. At that place and time He bore our sins in His body on the tree, became a curse for us and paid the debt for our sins. On the cross He completed all of the physical and spiritual sufferings needed for the salvation of mankind.
Gideon Defeats the Midianites
The story of Gideon shows how God can give the victory if we will trust entirely in Him.
Water From the Well
It's the story of three of David's mighty men who break through the battle line of the Philistines in order to bring David a drink of water from the well at Bethlehem. Though David had longed for the water, he does not drink of it because of the danger the men exposed themselves to in order to give to him. So, he poured the water out to the Lord. What's the significance of this story? How can we apply it to our lives?
To Walk As He Walked
Jesus Christ is our living example for the godly life. We are to walk like Him. But we are also to allow Him to live in us and through us.
To Be the People of God
The covenant of Moab deals more with the heart and the motive of love. We will look at one of the major provisions of the covenant and apply it to our lives.