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At the Feet of Jesus

Source Name: 
George Whitefield: Sermons: Volume I (p. 24)

From the invitation of George Whitefield’s sermon on "The Kingdom of God" (Roman 14:17), we read: "My dear friends, I would preach with all my heart till midnight, to do you good, till I could preach no more. O that this body might hold out to speak more for my dear Redeemer! Had I a thousand lives, had I a thousand tongues, they should be employed in inviting sinners to come to Jesus Christ! Come, then, let me prevail with some of you to come along with me. Come poor, lost, undone sinner, come just as you are to Christ, and say, If I be damned, I will perish at the feet of Jesus Christ, where never one perished yet. He will receive you with open arms; the dear Redeemer is willing to receive you all."

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 17:3

The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the LORD trieth the hearts.