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Holy Reverence in Prayer

Source Name: 
The Sacred Anointing (p. 135)
Source Author: 
Tony Sargent

In one of his sermons, Martyn Lloyd-Jones said, "the more we know God and the more truly pious we are, the less inclined shall we probably be to use in prayer such phrases as: ‘Dear God’. Rather we shall be more inclined to say, with the Lord Jesus Christ, ‘Holy Father’. The more we realize something of the being of God, the more we realize the importance of treading carefully. You remember what God said to Moses, when He appeared in the burning bush, and Moses was approaching to investigate: ‘put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground’. [Exodus 3:5] That is it—reverence and godly fear because of His majesty."

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 12:9

He that is despised, and hath a servant, is better than he that honoureth himself, and lacketh bread.