Cremation or Burial, What Saith the Scriptures
What do the scriptures say about cremation or burial?
Amos 0002 - Lesson 1
A Bible college course that deals with a verse-by-verse study of the Book of Amos
Amos 0001 - Lesson 1
A Bible college course that deals with a verse-by-verse study of the Book of Amos
Revival of the Word of God
This is one of the great revivals in the Bible. As usual, it is a revival of the word of God. When God’s people return to the word and obey its teachings, they experience great joy and are greatly blessed by the Lord.
The Word Made Flesh
To understand the gospel record of Jesus Christ, we must go back before the beginning of time where the Son of God already dwells. This lesson deals with the very important truth that God’s Son did not begin at the time of His birth in a manger. He existed in eternity past and was the Creator of all things.
The Lord Chooses Saul
In this lesson, the people of Israel are granted their request for a king. This lesson tells of Saul’s call, anointing and presentation to the people.
The Call of Samuel
After the record of the miraculous birth of Samuel in chapter one and the praiseful prayer of Hannah in chapter two (1 Samuel 2:1-10), we are introduced to the spiritual famine of this time – which is still the time of the judges.
The Defeat and Death of Samson
Samson’s life is a riddle—much like the riddle that he tells to his companions. In the end, Samson’s strength is destroyed by his lust after the so-called sweet things of the flesh.
The Rule of Abimelech
Though all men are doing what is right in their own eyes, God is still keeping account and judging the wicked.