Lovest Thou Me?
We know that Christ loved and continues to love us. But do we know how important it is that we love Him? The Bible states in no uncertain terms that if God is our Father, then we will love Christ (John 8:42).
Door Keeper in the House of the Lord
Many today love to have the preeminence (3 John 1:9) like Diotrephes of old. Man desires a position. God takes a servant and gives him a job to do.
Limiting the Holy God
John Calvin's doctrine doesn't work here. Do you limit God?
Like a Dove
Many of the teachings about the Holy Ghost are false. But that is no reason to ignore Him. The Bible says much about the Holy Spirit and His working in the life of the believer. In scripture, the dove is given as a type and picture of the Holy Ghost. This type provides much valuable teaching and direction.
Jesus Supports the Old Testament
It is an undeniable fact that Christ distinctly acknowledged those portions of the Old Testament which are most challenged...
A Land Guilty of Blood
Leviticus 18 deals with the judgment of God upon a nation that is guilty of shedding innocent blood. How does America line up according to the scriptures?
A Word For Weary Soldiers
As soldiers we are to endure hardness, but sometimes we can get weary in the battle. This passage has a word for you. Also deals with 2 Timothy 2:12 on the word deny.
What Will You Do With Jesus?
This is the story of the judgment of Jesus before He was taken to be crucified. However, in reality, it is the story of the judgment of us all.
A Time for Rejoicing
The seven original Jewish Feasts were commemorative for the Jews and they are prophetic for us.
Setting a Man Over the Congregation
Ordination is first of all a simple confirmation that God has indeed called a man and that he has faithfully shown the evidences of this call. It places some honor from those who do the ordaining upon the man who is being ordained.