The Sinner's Prayer
Can a preacher direct non-believers to pray a prayer or follow his prayer of repentance and this lead to their salvation?
Millennium and Sermon on the Mount
In reading Matthew 5, I recalled some commentators placing this in the Millennium. How can this be during the Millennium if people are being "persecuted", according to verses 10 and 11?
God's Dealings With Man Through the Ages
Picture in your mind as you look from left to right a shadow, an image and a sun. This may not mean much to you but in this very picture is the scope of God's dealings with man through the ages.
Giving God What's Left
The tendency of Old Testament Jews was to give God their leftovers. Our tendency is the same. What should we give God?
Lessons from the Wilderness
1 Corinthians 10:1-13 In these verses Paul uses the example of the failure of the people of Israel during the exodus/wilderness period to teach lessons for the church. What are few of theses lessons and how do they apply to believers today?
Basics on the Seventh Day Adventists
Do you have any information on Seventh Day Adventist church? I have to do a report and there are so many conflicting things on the web that I don't really know what is real and what is not!
The Generation of Jesus Christ
In Adam all die, in Christ all are made alive. The question is who is your father?
There everywhere. Every church seems to have some. It is always the guy next to you instead of you. Or is it?
Ichabod Baptist Church
The history of Israel during this time is comparative to the situation of many of our churches today. What are you doing to make sure this isn't the case in your church?