There is a difference in Jesus Genealogy found in Matthew chapter 1 and Luke chapter 3. What annoys me is that one of the gospels traces Jesus back to Solomon while the other traces it back to Nathan. How can we explain that?
Alexander, Hymenaeus, Jannes, Jambres and Philetus
The scripture speaks negatively of each of these individuals. Some were delivered unto Satan and of others it is said they erred concerning the faith. What happened to each one and why were they dealt with the way they were?
Adam and Original Sin
If Adam sinned and fell, why should we need salvation? How can the sin of Adam affect us?
Parting of the Waters
Where are all places that state the parting or dividing of water in the Bible?
Greek Mythology
Greek mythology deals with the stories of their gods. Certainly, there is a fascinating aspect to the stories surrounding the Greek gods. There is probably nothing wrong with an elementary knowledge of some of these stories. However, there is a great danger as well.
What scripture and other information can be used to expose the Satanic teachings of freemasonry?
The Infinity of God
"God is equally near to all parts of His universe. We think rightly about God and spiritual things only when we...
Culture and the Bible
In Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary, there is no meaning of the word culture as it can be used at times today. The 1828 meaning basically defines it as any labor for improvement or growth. When did this word change its meaning?
Women Saying "Amen" in Church
Could you please explain 1 Corinthians 14:34 to me please? I heard a statement that a lady made, that her husband said it's not right for a woman to say amen in church, that a woman should not speak. Could you please give me what God has shared with you on this subject?
Will revival come before the Lord comes back and if so what will it take for revival to come?