I Sought Him Whom My Soul Loveth
How is your love relationship with the Saviour? Does your heart ache when that fellowship is hindered? Do you seek and seek until you find him again?
The Marring of the Girdle
Do your sins leave you good for nothing in the sight of God? Would you be willing to seek His face so that you might be a vessel of honour in His hands?
Knowing God
Is knowing God nothing more than an intellectual exercise to the Bible-believer? Are we allowed to have an experiential knowledge of Him?
Damage That Cannot Be Undone
Have you considered that your actions today may brings blemishes to you or your testimony that cannot be undone? A good testimony is one of the most valuable assets you have. Therefore take heed to yourself.
Concerning the Dearth
We must all remember that the mercies of the Lord will not continue forever. If we continue to reject Him, there will be a day when He will not hear. Today is the day of salvation. Come to the Lord while there is still time.
Turning a Curse Into a Blessing (Daily Portion 10324)
Earlier in the passage that includes chapters 7 and 8 of Zechariah, the Lord had used a question about continuing one of the fasts as a basis to reprove the Jews for their insincerity. Now, He tells them that He has chosen to bless them. And more, there is coming a time when all the fasts will be turned to cheerful feasts. As Judah and Israel have been a curse among the nations, so they will be a blessing. Once again, God shows His grace and mercy.
God Himself Will Defend His People (Daily Portion 10323)
This chapter has three major sections. First (v.1-8), God reproves His people for their sins and proclaims the separation these sins have made between them and their God. Second (v.9-15), the people despair of their condition and repent of their sins. Third (v.16-21), God raises up a Redeemer who delivers Israel from the enemy. God Himself will defend His people.
God is Merciful to His People (Daily Portion 10322)
Though God delivered the Israelites from bondage in Egypt and brought them to the Promised Land, they continued to rebel against Him. In anger, He forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh and delivered his strength into captivity (referring to the taking of the ark by the Philistines). But God still came back and defeated their enemies. He chose David of the tribe of Judah to lead the people of Israel. God is merciful to His people.
I have recently been told that Halloween is the Devil's holiday, but before I had always heard that it was a religious holiday. Could you please clarify which is accurate?
Do All Hear the Gospel?
Do all men have a chance to hear the Gospel before they die? I realize that God "reveals Himself through His creation," thus, does one merely have to honor His handiwork if they otherwise do not hear the message of Christ? This includes Native Americans before the colonization of North America.