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T-Rex Soft Tissue Discovered

A group of Paleontologists in Montana recently discovered soft tissues in a thigh bone from a Tyrannosaurus Rex they were excavating. While removing T-Rex bone encased in rock the thigh bone broke exposing soft tissues including blood vessels that are still flexible. Imagine that, blood vessel in T-Rex fossils you can stretch. Pretty amazing for something that’s been dead for millions of years.

What is even more amazing than this is the way the scientific establishment is handling this discovery. What appears to be convincing evidence that T-Rex was around in the recent past is just being overlooked. Believe it or not they are discussing reassessing their theories of fossilization. It appears to me that what this evidence calls into question is on an order of magnitude more significant than just theories of fossilization. The whole concept of long time chronologies and geologic time is at stake. Many converging lines of evidence are demonstrating that the fossils we find could only be present in sediment if they were deposited rapidly. Since there are many fossil finds with thousands upon thousands of fossils found in the same place, the global flood of Genesis becomes ever more apparent as being scientific fact. To read more about the evidences for a global flood please visit

In the article it mentions that this find “opens the door for research into the protein structure of ancient organisms.” This statement is indicative of the pervasive nature of evolutionary bias in science. The central question posed by this find is how could this fossil possibly be millions of years old? Certainly protein structures decay very rapidly in the environment. If something dies it is rapidly devoured by animals and microorganisms, and then chemical breakdown decomposes what is left in weeks or months. Even if something is quickly covered in sediments which solidify into sedimentary rock, chemical breakdown will reduce these organic compounds to their dry powder constituents.

Organic chemists can barely imagine soft tissue lasting thousands of years, let alone 68 million (T-Rex extinction date). The biblical creationist Dr. Alan White, a research fellow with Eastman Chemical who holds 36 patents and has a doctorate in organic chemistry from Harvard was quoted in a recent debate as saying “Any good organic chemist knows proteins can't remain intact that long." The process of chemical decomposition is very rapid and is considered to be a stretch for thousands of years, if not utterly impossible for millions of years. Certainly thousands of years for this process, although remarkable, is far more acceptable than millions of years.

In the final analysis this fossil T-Rex with soft tissues offers conclusive evidence that dinosaurs did not go extinct millions of years ago, but are creatures that coexisted contemporaneously with humans.

Will Hoyt

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 12:19

The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment.