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Global Flood on Mars but Not Earth?

One of the most amazing admissions of inconsistency in secular science is this issue of a global flood on Mars.  As incredible as it may sound, there are secular scientists that actually propose that there was a global flood on the red planet.  Currently Mars is a dry, arid world, comparable in many respects to the desert regions we have on earth.   Now let me get this straight.  Scientists believe in a global flood for Mars which is presently an arid desert, but do not believe in a global flood for Earth whose surface is 75% covered with water about two miles deep right now.   I would submit that from space, Earth appears like it is currently in a global flood.   Can you imagine what these same scientists would be saying about earth if we were on Mars looking at Earth as an alien world?  The scientific establishment who has long been critical of a global flood on Earth has finally exposed its bias.  Their runaway imaginations about alien worlds have come back to roost and expose their glaring inconsistency and bias.

Mars has numerous canals, wash gullies and canyons that appear to have been created by massive water flows.  But this begs the question, so does Earth?  The Grand Canyon is an enormous feature that looks strikingly like a large wash basin.   It is 277 miles long, a mile deep, and varies in width between 10 to 18 miles wide.  The amount of sediment removed from this area defies imagination, yet sparingly little of it is found at the exit point of the canyon.  This is a clear indicator that the sediments were removed rapidly by a vast volume of water, enough to carry the sediments far from the canyon’s exit point.   The thick layers of sediment in the canyon bear the hallmarks of rapid deposition.   One particular layer, the redwall limestone formation, has millions of creatures called nautiloids that are fossilized in the formation.  Dr. Steve Austin, a research scientist with the Institute for Creation Science (ICR), is the one who uncovered this startling fact that has simply been ignored by the secular scientific establishment.  Think of it, millions upon millions of sea creatures all entombed together and in a particular orientation indicative of a flow deposition.  To top things off, the supposed “geologic column” is in disarray.  The Grand Canyon is purported to be the only place in the world where you have so many layers exposed together in the same place.  But when you compare the theoretical geologic column to what you see there you find missing layers.   In one place there is nearly a billion year gap between two layers.  With missing sediment, missing layers, and fossil formation all pointing toward a rapid wash scenario, how are they able to maintain that this is a uniformitarian feature created over millions of years, and something similar on a freeze dried world like Mars is the result of a flood?  It makes much more sense to say that the sediments in the Grand Canyon area were laid down by a global flood, and then a wash basin forming the canyon was created by a dam breach shortly after the flood as the waters abated.

Bolstering evidence for a global flood on Earth and the associated rapid formation of the Grand Canyon are the features created recently at Mt. Saint Helens.  In a series of events that occurred during and after its 1980 eruption, the landscape of this area was drastically transformed.  Part of this transformation involved nearby Spirit Lake, which was elevated substantially by debris from the eruption and the blockage of its drainage outlet.   Later, when the natural dam created by debris gave way, hundreds of thousands of gallons of water rushed through sediments laid down during and after the eruption.  These sediments were deposited by the pyroclastic flow from the volcano’s eruption, and by two subsequent mudflows that followed.  The result of this natural dam breach was to create a miniature Grand Canyon through these sediments.  The wash feature that was formed is 140 feet deep.  The walls are steep, have jagged edges and expose something similar to what we see at Grand Canyon.  The three primary sediment flows mentioned above are exposed as three thick layers.  But guess what?  Within those thick layers are hundreds of fine layers, not laid down over millions of years, but formed rapidly by the dynamics of the flows themselves.   Here we have a demonstrably provable case where layered soil is creating by the physics of particle flow, and not gradual deposition over great ages.  There is even a small stream running through the bottom of this canyon, an obvious artifact of the formation, and not the cause.  So the end result is a small canyon that could appear to have been formed by a small stream over a long period of time.  Does this sound familiar?   Uniformitarian geologists believe Grand Canyon was formed by the Colorado River over millions of years.  But if the Grand Canyon was created by a dam breach after the flood that ran through soft sediments in that area, it would have been created rapidly, and the river would just be an artifact of the feature.  The evidence at Mt. Saint Helens has left many geologists scratching their heads in disbelief.  Some have been so candid as to say that if they did not know for sure this was formed rapidly; they would swear it was created over millions of years.  Statements like these are a clear indication of the bias in secular geology and their inability to objectively research a feature such as the Grand Canyon.  Mt. Saint Helens provides conclusive evidence that the unique formations found at Grand Canyon can be formed rapidly.

Anther line of evidence for a global flood here on Earth is the massive deposits of coal, oil and natural gas around the world.  There are deposits of these materials so large that you could fit literally tens of thousands of mountains into them.  Not one geologist on this planet denies that these were once living plants and animals.  With that said, how do you deposit chunks of plants and animals the size of thousands of mountains in one place, then cover them with miles of sediment?   What kind of natural event has that kind of immense power?  There are coal and oil formations the size of states.  This is simply mind boggling when you consider what could be responsible for something such as this.  Granted, there is more biomass locked in these deposits than we have on Earth alive currently.  But we could easily envision an Earth more lush and idealistic than today that could supply living organisms needed.  Perhaps a super-continent that is closer to the equator and tropical in nature could be the answer to this question, which brings me to my next point.

Further evidence pointing toward a global flood on earth is in the realm of plate tectonics.  Dr. John Baumgardener with ICR, who has a Ph.D. in Geophysics from the University of California, developed a computer simulation named “Terra” to model plate tectonics, and especially the possibility of a runaway tectonics scenario that could have occurred during the flood.  His model is considered the best in the world by secular geophysicists, and requires a supercomputer to process the complex 3-D algorithms governing the movement of the Earth’s crust and mantle.  Empirical findings from seismological tomography, a research method that maps the earth’s interior using sound wave reflection, indicated that there were massive cold spots in the earth’s mantle directly beneath subduction zones.  In plate tectonics the earth’s crust is fractured into plates that move about on a viscous molten mantle.  Some plates collide.  They either thrust up, down, or slide horizontally past one another.  At other places the plates are pulled apart and magma flows in to fill the rift.  Yet anther effect occurs when one plate plunges beneath another.  This is called a subduction zone.  All this movement operates in a coordinated systematic fashion. 

Experimental evidence from seismological tomography showing massive cold spots in the mantle beneath these subduction zones appeared to be a potential engine for this tectonic system to Baumgardener.  The massive features were substantial chunks of cold crust imbedded in molten mantle that was upwards of 4000 degrees Fahrenheit.  If these plates had been subducting for hundreds of millions of years at inches per century, they would surely be melted by now.  But if they subducted rapidly, say meters per second, you would have the cold spots we see today.  This plunging of a large section of oceanic crust into the mantle rapidly would provide the necessary energy to break up one super-continent into what we see today.  Therein lies one of the superior features of Baumgardener’s model that other models do not have, a source for the immense power needed to pull continents apart and transform the surface of the earth.  It also explains the fountains of the great deep and the rain lasting 40 days and nights mentioned in Genesis 7:11-12.  As the continents separated molten magma would well up under the oceans at critical junctures releasing superheated steam jets into the upper atmosphere.  But if this happened recently how could life on Earth survive such a massive upheaval that would separate into the continents we have today?  How about if most of it occurred while the earth was covered with water?  Are you starting to see the significance now?  All this seismological activity would be greatly abated by water.  Noah, his family, and all the animals in the ark would be insulated from the violent earthquakes that would have been taking place.   

This evidence becomes even more intriguing when you understand that the idea of one super-continent that broke up into what we have today was proposed by a French creationist in the first place.  His name was Antonio Snider and his book was published in 1859, the same year as Darwin’s book, but it generated little interest.  He got the idea of one super-continent from Genesis 1:9 “And God said, Let the waters under the Heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.”  This verse coupled with maps that look like the continents fit together became the basis for his book. Alas, at that time, there was no known mechanism which could cause such a massive change.  As usual it takes man a while to just even begin to understand the technology at God’s disposal.  At this point in time global plate tectonics is considered to be virtually fact, but only in the sense of long time chronologies.  It appears to me that secular science still has some catching up to do.

To summarize, the convergence of the ideas presented are consistent with our current understanding of science.  They paint a very plausible picture of a vast, lush, super-continent filled with plants and animals that broke up.   This enormous continent, if near the equator and tropical in nature, could explain how the Earth was able to support large creatures like dinosaurs in the past, but not today.  It also provides the source for all the biomass locked up in the Earth’s crust.  Observational data in the form of cold spots in the mantle provides the underpinnings for a theoretical tectonic engine driving the rapid and recent breakup of this continent.  This same engine provides an explanatory mechanism through which much of the details of the flood can be explained, including how fountains of the deep can exist, and fuel a 40 day global rain storm.  Furthermore, massive deposits of biological material in the crust covered with enormous quantities of sediment further indicate a global scale flood event. 

In conclusion, it is inconceivable to me that scientists could even conjecture about a worldwide flood on Mars, but discount one here on Earth.  The massive amounts of water on the Earth’s surface, coupled with an incredible wash feature like the Grand Canyon, enormous deposits of biomass in the Earth’s crust, and experimental evidence of rapid massive upheaval of the Earth’s crust make a compelling argument for a global flood here on Earth.   But yet this information is completely discounted by secular science and consciously kept from students in our public school system.  It is simply amazing to me that they say we are the ones with faith.  It looks like to me we are the ones standing on the evidence, and they are blind to the truth.  The scripture says that in the last days they will be willingly ignorant of the flood. 

[2 Peter 3:5] For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:
[2 Peter 3:6] Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:


Will Hoyt

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 12:4

A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.