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The Sin and Death of Amnon

Scripture Passage: 
2 Samuel 13:1-39

INTRODUCTION: This chapter is a living illustration of James 1:14-15 – “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.” Amnon is tempted with his own lust. He falls into sin and it leads to his death. This lesson is a warning to us all.

  1. AMNON’S DEVICES AGAINST TAMAR (2 Samuel 13:1-7)
    1. David’s Daughter Tamar (2 Samuel 13:1)
      1. A full sister to Absalom; children of Maacah the daughter of Talmai king of Geshur (2 Samuel 3:3)
      2. A fair sister
      3. Loved by her half brother Amnon
    2. Amnon’s Unnatural Desire (2 Samuel 13:2)
      1. Sick of love for his half sister
      2. Wanting her though she was a virgin
      3. Not knowing how to get her
    3. Amnon’s Friend Jonadab (2 Samuel 13:3-4)
      1. A cousin to Amnon (2 Samuel 13:3)
      2. A very subtle man (2 Samuel 13:3; Genesis 3:1; 2 Corinthians 11:3)
      3. He discovers Amnon’s problem (2 Samuel 13:4).
    4. Jonadab’s Plan for Amnon (2 Samuel 13:5-7)
      1. Make yourself sick (2 Samuel 13:5).
      2. Wait for your father to check on you (2 Samuel 13:5).
      3. Ask for Tamar to fix you a meal (2 Samuel 13:5).
      4. Amnon follows the plan (2 Samuel 13:6-7).
  2. AMNON’S DEFILEMENT OF TAMAR (2 Samuel 13:8-14)
    1. Amnon Sets Up the Opportunity (2 Samuel 13:8-10).
      1. Tamar makes cakes for Amnon (2 Samuel 13:8).
      2. Amnon sends all the men from him (2 Samuel 13:9).
      3. Tamar brings the cakes to Amnon’s chamber (2 Samuel 13:10).
    2. Amnon Defiles His Sister (2 Samuel 13:11-14).
      1. Amnon tries to seduce Tamar (2 Samuel 13:11).
      2. Tamar refuses Amnon’s advances (2 Samuel 13:12-13).
      3. Tamar asks Amnon to talk to the king (2 Samuel 13:13).
      4. Amnon refuses to listen to his sister (2 Samuel 13:14).
      5. Amnon forces himself on his sister (2 Samuel 13:14).
  3. AMNON’S DESERTION OF TAMAR (2 Samuel 13:15-22)
    1. Amnon Casts Tamar Out of His Sight (2 Samuel 13:15-18).
      1. Amnon’s reaction to Tamar (2 Samuel 13:15)
        1. He hates her more than he loved her.
        2. He commands her to leave.
      2. Tamar’s warning to Amnon (2 Samuel 13:16)
        1. There is no cause.
        2. This second sin is worse than the first (see Exodus 22:16).
        3. Amnon still would not listen.
      3. Tamar is cast out of Amnon’s chamber (2 Samuel 13:17-18).
        1. He commands his servant to cast her out (2 Samuel 13:17).
        2. She is wearing the garments of a virgin (2 Samuel 13:18).
          1. A garment of divers colors
          2. A garment for the daughters of the king (see Psalm 45:13-14)
          3. A garment indicating her virginity
        3. She is cast out with the door bolted behind her (2 Samuel 13:18).
    2. Tamar Laments the Wrong Done to Her (2 Samuel 13:19-20).
      1. She mourns her defilement (2 Samuel 13:19).
      2. Absalom counsels discretion (2 Samuel 13:20).
    3. David and Absalom Respond to the Sin of Amnon (2 Samuel 13:21-22).
      1. David hears and is very wroth (2 Samuel 13:21).
      2. Absalom speaks neither good nor bad (2 Samuel 13:22).
      3. But Absalom hates Amnon (2 Samuel 13:22).
  4. AMNON’S DEATH AT THE HAND OF ABSALOM (2 Samuel 13:23-29)
    1. Absalom Has a Feast for the King’s Sons (2 Samuel 13:23-27).
      1. Two full years later (2 Samuel 13:23)
      2. A place of the sheepshearers (2 Samuel 13:23-24; see 1 Samuel 25:2)
      3. The king is invited but will not go (2 Samuel 13:24-25).
      4. The king is convinced to let Amnon go (2 Samuel 13:26-27).
      5. NOTE: One of the manipulations used in sales has been the rejection-then-retreat technique. First, you ask someone to do something that you know is so big that they will refuse (that’s the rejection). Then, you back up (retreat) and ask them to do something on a much smaller scale. But what you retreat to is what you wanted in the first place. Most people really have trouble saying no to you two times and see an escape in choosing the lesser of the two. This is what Absalom does. There is nothing new under the sun.
    2. Absalom Has Amnon Killed (2 Samuel 13:28-29).
      1. Absalom commands his servants to be ready (2 Samuel 13:28).
      2. They are to wait until Amnon is merry with wine (2 Samuel 13:28).
      3. They are to kill Amnon at Absalom’s command (2 Samuel 13:28).
      4. They do as they are commanded (2 Samuel 13:29).
      5. The king’s sons flee on their mules (2 Samuel 13:29).
  5. DAVID’S SORROW AT THE DEATH OF AMNON (2 Samuel 13:30-39)
    1. David Fears All His Sons Are Slain (2 Samuel 13:30-31).
      1. Rumors come in that Absalom has slain all (2 Samuel 13:30).
      2. David and his servants mourn (2 Samuel 13:31).
    2. David Discovers That Only Amnon Has Died (2 Samuel 13:32-36).
      1. Jonadab tells David that only Amnon is slain (2 Samuel 13:32-33).
      2. The king’s sons come fleeing home (2 Samuel 13:34-35).
      3. David, his sons, and servants mourn the death of Amnon (2 Samuel 13:36).
    3. Absalom Flees from the Face of David (2 Samuel 13:37-39).
      1. Absalom flees to the house of his mother’s father (2 Samuel 13:37: 2 Samuel 3:3).
      2. David mourns for his son every day (2 Samuel 13:37).
      3. Absalom remains in Geshur for three years (2 Samuel 13:38).
      4. David desires to go unto Absalom (2 Samuel 13:39).
      5. David is comforted concerning Amnon (2 Samuel 13:39).

CONCLUSION: David’s fourfold restoration is well under way. He lost the baby with Bathsheba and now Tamar is defiled and Amnon is killed. No wonder the Bible says, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Hebrews 10:31).

David Reagan and Andrew Ray

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 16:28

A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends.