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Absalom Returned to Jerusalem

Scripture Passage: 
2 Samuel 14:1-33

INTRODUCTION: This lesson teaches a lot about personal influence. The woman of Tekoah demonstrates one way to influence others. At the end of the chapter, Absalom demonstrates another way to get your way with others. The trouble is, both ways have an ungodly side to them. How does the Lord want us to influence others?

  1. THE WOMAN OF TEKOAH TOLD A TALE (2 Samuel 14:1-11)
    1. Joab Arranged the Meeting (2 Samuel 14:1-3).
      1. He perceived the king’s heart was toward Absalom (2 Samuel 14:1; 2 Samuel 13:39).
      2. He fetched a wise woman of Tekoah (2 Samuel 14:2).
        1. Tekoah
          1. A town of Judah about 12 miles south of Jerusalem
          2. The home of the prophet Amos (Amos 1:1)
        2. She was to pretend to be a mourner.
          1. With mourning apparel
          2. Without being anointed with oil
          3. NOTE: Anointing one’s self with oil was part of ordinary washing in Bible lands. The oil would keep the skin moist and fresh. Its disuse was associated with grief (Daniel 10:2-3).
          4. As one that mourned for the dead
      3. He sent her to the king (2 Samuel 14:3).
      4. He gave her the words to say (2 Samuel 14:3).
    2. She Presented Her Case to the King (2 Samuel 14:4-11).
      1. Her story and David’s first response (2 Samuel 14:4-8)
        1. She approached the king (2 Samuel 14:4).
          1. She spoke to him.
          2. She fell on her face before him.
          3. She did obeisance; that is, she gave reverence to him.
          4. She said, Help, O king.
        2. She made her case (2 Samuel 14:5-7).
          1. Her husband was dead (2 Samuel 14:5).
          2. She had only two sons (2 Samuel 14:6).
          3. Her sons fought and one killed the other (2 Samuel 14:6).
          4. Her whole family was determined to slay the living son because of his act of murder (2 Samuel 14:7).
          5. She would lose her only son and her husband would lose his inheritance (2 Samuel 14:7).
          6. NOTE: Notice the powerful picture she used—“they shall quench my coal which is left.”
        3. David responded to her request (2 Samuel 14:8).
          1. Go to thine house.
          2. I will give charge concerning thee.
      2. The second round (2 Samuel 14:9-10)
        1. Her appeal (2 Samuel 14:9)
          1. Let the iniquity be on me and my house.
          2. Let the king and his throne be guiltless.
        2. David’s response (2 Samuel 14:10)
          1. Bring the one who troubles you to me.
          2. He will touch you no more.
      3. The third appeal (2 Samuel 14:11)
        1. Her appeal
          1. Remember the Lord.
          2. Do not allow the avengers of blood to destroy any more.
        2. David’s response – Your son shall not be harmed.
  2. THE WOMAN OF TEKOAH MADE HER POINT (2 Samuel 14:12-20)
    1. She Accused the King of His Fault (2 Samuel 14:12-14).
      1. She requested to speak again (2 Samuel 14:12).
      2. She named David’s wrong (2 Samuel 14:13).
        1. His thoughts were wrong against the people of God.
        2. The king spoke as one who is guilty.
        3. The king had refused to fetch home his banished.
      3. She reasoned with the king (2 Samuel 14:14).
        1. Death cannot be reversed.
          1. We all die.
          2. Death is as water spilled on the ground.
          3. Death is no respecter of persons.
        2. Banishment can be reversed.
          1. God has devised means to restore the banished.
          2. The banished need not be eternally expelled.
    2. She Praised the King for His Wisdom (2 Samuel 14:15-17).
      1. I came to you because the people had made me afraid (2 Samuel 14:15).
      2. I knew that the king would deliver me from my adversary (2 Samuel 14:16).
      3. The word of the king has given me comfort (2 Samuel 14:17).
      4. My king is as an angel in discerning good and bad (2 Samuel 14:17).
      5. Therefore the Lord thy God will be with thee (2 Samuel 14:17).
    3. She Admitted That Joab Had Sent Her (2 Samuel 14:18-20).
      1. David asked the woman not to hide anything from him (2 Samuel 14:18).
      2. David asked if this was the hand of Joab (2 Samuel 14:19).
      3. The woman admitted that Joab was behind it all (2 Samuel 14:19-20).
      4. The woman praised David for his wisdom (2 Samuel 14:20).
    1. Absalom Returned to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 14:21-24).
      1. David commanded Joab to bring Absalom back (2 Samuel 14:21).
      2. Joab bowed before David and thanked him (2 Samuel 14:22).
      3. Joab brought Absalom to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 14:23).
      4. David refused to see Absalom (2 Samuel 14:24).
      5. Absalom went to his own house (2 Samuel 14:24).
    2. Absalom Excelled in Personal Glory (2 Samuel 14:25-27).
      1. The beauty of Absalom (2 Samuel 14:25)
      2. The hair of Absalom (2 Samuel 14:26)
      3. The children of Absalom (2 Samuel 14:27)
    1. Absalom Desired to See the King (2 Samuel 14:28-29).
      1. He did not see the king for two years (2 Samuel 14:28).
      2. He sent for Joab two times (2 Samuel 14:29).
      3. Joab refused to see him (2 Samuel 14:29).
    2. Absalom Got Joab’s Attention (2 Samuel 14:30-32).
      1. Absalom set Joab’s barley on fire (2 Samuel 14:30).
      2. Joab came to see Absalom (2 Samuel 14:31).
      3. Absalom demanded to see the king (2 Samuel 14:32).
    3. Absalom Went before the King (2 Samuel 14:33).
      1. He came and bowed before the king.
      2. The king came and kissed him.

CONCLUSION: Joab uses deceit to get his wishes from the king, and the favor is returned when Absalom sets the fields of Joab on fire in order to get his wish.

David Reagan and Andrew Ray

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 15:9

The way of the wicked is an abomination unto the LORD: but he loveth him that followeth after righteousness.