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The Birth of Moses

Scripture Passage: 
Exodus 2:1-10

INTRODUCTION:  This lesson describes the protective hand of God over the one who is to be the deliverer of the children of Israel from Egypt.  God’s hand of providence is seen throughout this story.  Just when it seems the darkest for the Israelites, God is already working out the way to bring them deliverance.

  1. THE BIRTH OF MOSES  (Exodus 2:1-2)
    1. The Parents of Moses (Exodus 2:1; Exodus 6:20; Numbers 26:59)
      1. His father, Amram
        1. Name means high people
        2. Of the tribe of Levi
        3. Died at age of 137 – same as the age of Levi at his death (Exodus 6:16)
        4. Married Jochebed
          1. Jochebed was his father’s sister.
          2. Jochebed and Amram had three known children:
            1. Miriam
            2. Aaron
            3. Moses
      2. His mother, Jochebed
        1. Name means glory to Jehovah
        2. Of the tribe of Levi
    2. The Son is Born (Exodus 2:2).
      1. A goodly child
      2. Exceeding fair (Acts 7:20)
      3. A proper child (Hebrews 11:23)
    3. The Infant is Hidden for Three Months (Exodus 2:2; see Hebrews 11:23).
      1. He was hidden by faith (Hebrews 11:23)
      2. The parents had a seeing faith – they “saw…that he was a goodly child” (see Hebrews 11:1; 2 Corinthians 5:7).
      3. The parents had a fearless faith – “they were not afraid of the king’s commandment” (Hebrews 11:23).
  2. THE ARK OF MOSES (Exodus 2:3-4)
    1. Unable to Hide Him (Exodus 2:3)
      1. The parents had been able to hide Moses for three months; but now, for some reason, they could no longer keep him hidden.
      2. It is interesting to note that the age of three months brings some developments that make this a difficult time to place their child in the river.
        1. According to some studies, the following developments occur around the third month…
          1. About half of babies this age begin to show an obvious recognition of their parents.
          2. The baby may become quiet and make eye contact with the parents, or he may search for his parents in a room and move his arms in excitement or smile when he finds them.
          3. A baby is more attuned to the outside world and more sensitive to changes in his environment.
          4. When a baby hears the voice of his parents, he may even look directly at them and start trying to talk back.
        2. Considering these things, imagine how hard it would be to take the child to the water and release him.
    2. The Ark of Bulrushes (Exodus 2:3-4)
      1. Bulrushes – a reed-like plant the stems of which could be dried and woven into baskets
      2. Slime and pitch
        1. Two different forms of the asphalt that was found naturally in different parts of the Bible world; evidently, slime referred to the paste or solid form and pitch referred to the liquid form.
        2. Often used, as here, for waterproofing (Genesis 6:14)
      3. The ark placed at the river’s bank in the reeds (Exodus 2:3)
      4. The infant’s sister, Miriam, placed to see what would happen (Exodus 2:4)
    3. NOTE: Three Arks in the Bible; an ark is a coffin-shaped container.
      1. The ark of Noah
        1. It had 3 stories (Genesis 6:16).
        2. It was used to preserve the human race.
      2. The ark of Moses
        1. It had a 3-month-old baby.
        2. It was used to preserve Israel’s deliverer.
      3. The ark of the covenant
        1. It had 3 items in it (Hebrews 9:4).
        2. It was used to preserve the two tables of stone containing God’s word.
  3. COMPASSION ON MOSES (Exodus 2:5-6)
    1. Pharaoh’s Daughter Sees the Child (Exodus 2:5).
      1. She came down to the river to wash herself.
      2. Her maidens walked along the river.
      3. She saw the ark among the flags (Exodus 2:3, 5; Job 8:11; Isaiah 19:6) – Apparently flags are a kind of plant that would grow exclusively next to rivers or brooks.
      4. She sent her maid to fetch it.
    2. Pharaoh’s Daughter Had Compassion (Exodus 2:6).
      1. Pharaoh’s daughter opened the ark.
      2. The baby wept as if on cue.
      3. She had compassion on the baby.
      4. She recognized it as a Hebrew baby.
  4. A NURSE FOR MOSES (Exodus 2:7-9)
    1. Miriam Offers a Nurse of the Hebrews (Exodus 2:7-8a).
      1. Miriam boldly calls out to Pharaoh’s daughter and asks if she would like for her to go find a nurse for the child.
      2. Pharaoh’s daughter agrees to send Miriam to fetch a nurse.
    2. Miriam Goes to Fetch a Nurse for the Child (Exodus 2:8b-9).
      1. Miriam runs to get her mother to be the nurse for the child.
      2. Pharaoh's daughter gives commandment unto Jochebed for nursing Moses.
        1. Take this child away, and nurse it for me.
        2. I will give thee thy wages.
  5. THE REARING OF MOSES (Exodus 2:10)
    1. The Child was Called Moses (meaning drawn out).
    2. The Child Grew.
      1. Physically
      2. Mentally – “learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians” (Acts 7:22)
    3. The Child Became the Son of Pharaoh’s Daughter.

CONCLUSION:  Are you discouraged?  Are you giving up?  Perhaps the Lord is right now working out the deliverance that you need so dearly.  We must learn to trust in Him.

David Reagan and Andrew Ray

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 18:5

It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, to overthrow the righteous in judgment.