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O Bless the Lord!

Content Author: 
Reagan, David
Published Date: 
October 13, 2004
Psalm 103:1-5
My needy soul will bless the Lord
And all within my frame,
Will look to Him and bless the Lord
I’ll bless His holy name!
I’ll bless Him for His benefits
In numbers large and vast;
Of these how could I e’er forget
Good things both now and past.
My sins piled up unto the sky
Completely He forgave;
And from diseases of the soul
And body He forgave.
The verdict on my life was read;
Destruction was my lot.
Redemption was the price He paid;
His blood my sins did blot.
He took my wretched filthy rags;
Gave me His righteous robes.
He placed a crown upon my head
Of mercy and of hope.
He satisfies my mouth with good;
He shows His kindly face.
Each day brings new proof of His love;
His tender-loving grace.
He strengthens with His mighty power;
Restores my youth again;
So like an eagle in the air,
I fly upon the wind.
My needy soul will bless the Lord
And all within my frame,
Will look to Him and bless the Lord
I’ll bless His holy name!
David Reagan

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 10:16

The labour of the righteous tendeth to life: the fruit of the wicked to sin.