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The Gospel of John VIII - Lesson 2

Scripture Passage: 
John 17:1-26

                 The Intercessory Prayer of Christ                                John 17:1-26                                 (Continued)

  1. CHRIST’S PRAYER FOR HIS FUTURE DISCIPLES (John 17:20-26) (Continued)
    1. His Request for their Glorification (John 17:24-26)
      1. In the presence of the Son (John 17:24a; John 14:3)
      2. In the glory of the Son (John 17:24b; 2 Corinthians 4:6)
      3. In the love of the Son (John 17:25-26)
        1. His knowledge of the Father (John 17:25)
          1. His righteous Father
          2. Unknown by the world
          3. Known by the Son
          4. The disciples knowing that the Father sent the Son
        2. His declaration of the Father (John 17:26a)
        3. His demonstration of the Father’s love (John 17:26b)
          1. That the Father’s love may be in them
          2. That the Son may be in them
    1. Christ’s Sevenfold Prayer for His Disciples
      1. Their preservation (John 17:11); “keep”
      2. Their jubilation (John 17:13); “might have my joy”
      3. Their deliverance from evil (John 17:15)
      4. Their sanctification (John 17:17)
      5. Their unification (John 17:21)
      6. Their association with Him (John 17:24); “be with him”
      7. Their glory (John 17:24); “that they may behold my glory”
    2. The Believer’s Sevenfold Relationship to the World
      1. Saved out of the world (John 17:6)
      2. Left in the world (John 17:11)
      3. Not of the world (John 17:14)
      4. Hated by the world (John 17:14)
      5. Kept from the evil in the world (John 17:15)
      6. Sent into the world (John 17:18)
      7. Manifested in unity before the world (John 17:23)
    3. Exceptions to the Prayer for Unity; though we are spiritually one with all who know Jesus Christ, this oneness is not to be used to allow all sorts of perversion and doctrinal error into the churches. According to the scriptures, we are to separate from:
      1. Those who are unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Acts 15:14; 1 Peter 2:9)
      2. Those who pervert the doctrine of Christ (2 John 1:7-11; 1 Corinthians 16:22; Jude 1:4)
      3. Those who pervert the doctrine of salvation (2 Corinthians 11:4; Galatians 1:6-9; Galatians 5:1-12)
      4. Those who deny the word of God (Romans 16:17; 1 Timothy 4:1-3; 1 Timothy 6:3-5; Titus 1:9; Jude 1:3)
      5. Those who try to reestablish the law (Acts 15:5; Galatians 3:1-5; Galatians 4:8-11, 17; Titus 1:10-16)
      6. Those who live according to their lusts (2 Timothy 3:1-8; 2 Peter 2:1-3, 10-14, 19; Jude 1:4)
      7. Those who cause divisions and love disputes (Romans 16:17; 1 Timothy 1:3-7; 1 Timothy 6:4, 20-21; 2 Timothy 2:14, 16-18; Titus 3:9)
      8. Those who follow a false spirit (2 Corinthians 11:4; 1 John 4:1)

                            The Forsaking of Jesus                                   John 18:1-40

  1. HIS BETRAYAL BY JUDAS (John 18:1-14)
    1. Christ Coming to the Garden (John 18:1-2)
      1. A place of prayer (John 18:1; Luke 22:39-40)
        1. Over the brook Cedron; another spelling for the brook Kidron (2 Samuel 15:23)
        2. Where was a garden
          1. Arrested in a garden (John 18:1, 26)
          2. Buried in a garden (John 19:41)
          3. To conquer the sin problem that started in a garden (Genesis 2:8-9; Genesis 3:1, 8, 22-24)
            1. Where man brought judgment on himself
            2. Where man condemned himself to die
      2. A place known to Judas (John 18:2)
        1. He knew the place.
          1. A place of prayer
          2. A place where Jesus went often
        2. He did not know the person – but betrayed Him.
    2. Christ Confessing His Identity (John 18:3-6)
      1. The band of soldiers (John 18:3)
        1. Their leader – Judas
        2. Their source – chief priests and Pharisees
        3. Their tools
          1. Lanterns and torches
            1. They had no light (John 3:19-20).
            2. They came at night (1 Thessalonians 5:6-8).
          2. Weapons – carnal weapons of the flesh (2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Ephesians 6:10-12)
      2. The question of Jesus (John 18:4)
        1. The fullness of His knowledge (Mark 10:33-34)
        2. The forwardness of His action – “went forth” (John 14:31); at this point, there is no hesitation. Jesus is ready and prepared to fulfill the will of the Father.
      3. The surprising admission (John 18:5)
        1. Their search for Jesus of Nazareth
        2. His reply, “I am he” (John 8:58)
        3. In the presence of the betrayer
      4. The power of the Son (John 18:6)
        1. The power of His words (Ecclesiastes 8:4; Luke 4:32; Hebrews 1:3)
        2. The power of His person – the great I AM (Exodus 3:14)
        3. The weakness of His enemies
          1. They went backward (Jeremiah 7:24).
          2. They fell to the ground.
    3. Christ Cooperating with the Soldiers (John 18:7-9)
      1. His concern for the disciples (John 18:7-8)
        1. He again identifies Himself (John 18:7-8a).
        2. He asks His disciples to be released (John 18:8b).
      2. The fulfillment of His word (John 18:9, John 17:12)
    4. Christ Calming Simon Peter (John 18:10-11)
      1. Peter’s single swing (John 18:10)
        1. The sword of Peter
        2. The right ear of Malchus
        3. Application: When we fight the Lord’s battles with the weapons of the flesh, we only destroy the ability of the world to hear our message.
      2. Christ’s willing heart (John 18:11; Luke 22:50-51)
        1. He instructs Peter to put up the sword.
        2. He expresses His willingness to drink the cup (compare Matthew 26:42).
    5. Christ Arrested by the Soldiers (John 18:12-14)
      1. Bound by the soldiers (John 18:12)
      2. Led to Annas (John 18:13-14)
        1. The prominence of Annas (John 18:13)
        2. The proclamation of Caiaphas (John 18:14; John 11:47-53)
  2. HIS DENIAL BY PETER (John 18:15-18, 25-27)
    1. Peter’s Progressive Backsliding (John 18:15-18; Psalm 1:1)
      1. Peter followed (John 18:15; Luke 22:54).
      2. Peter stood (John 18:16, 18, 25).
      3. Peter sat (Luke 22:55).
    2. Peter’s Three Denials
      1. To the damsel (John 18:16-17)
      2. To the men (John 18:18, 25)
      3. To the servant (John 18:26-27)
    3. Peter’s Bitter Repentance
      1. The crowing of the cock (John 18:27; Luke 22:60)
      2. The look of the Lord (Luke 22:61)
      3. The conversion of Peter (Luke 22:31-34, 62)
  3. HIS TRIAL BEFORE ANNAS (John 18:19-24)
    1. His Questioning (John 18:19)
      1. Of His disciples
      2. Of His doctrine
    2. His Defense (John 18:20-21)
      1. The manner of His teaching (John 18:20)
        1. He spoke openly.
          1. In the synagogue
          2. In the temple
          3. Where the Jews resort
        2. He said nothing in secret.
      2. The testimony of His doctrine (John 18:21)
        1. No need to ask Him
        2. Ask those who heard Him.
    3. His Abuse (John 18:22-24)
      1. He is struck by an officer (John 18:22).
        1. With the palm of his hand
        2. For not answering properly
      2. He is refused explanation (John 18:23).
        1. Bear witness of any evil (John 8:46)
        2. The smiting itself is evil
      3. He is sent to Caiaphas (John 18:24)
  4. HIS TRIAL BEFORE PILATE (John 18:28-40)
    1. The Setting (John 18:28)
      1. The time
        1. Early in the day
        2. Before the time of the Passover
      2. The place
        1. In the hall of judgment
        2. Where the Jews could not go
          1. Lest they defile themselves before the Passover
          2. Note: yet they did not consider themselves defiled by the putting to death of an innocent man.
    2. His Accusation by the Jews (John 18:29-32)
      1. Their assumption (John 18:29-30)
        1. No need to bring formal charges (John 18:29)
        2. Just take our word that He is bad (John 18:30).
      2. Their intention (John 18:31-32)
        1. That He be judged by the secular court (John 18:31)
        2. That He be put to death (John 18:31)
        3. That He die the death of crucifixion (John 18:32)
    3. His Questioning (John 18:33-38)
      1. Are you the King of the Jews? (John 18:33-34)
      2. What have you done? (John 18:35-36)
        1. Pilate’s assumption – delivered of His own nation (John 18:35)
        2. Jesus’ reply
          1. My kingdom is not of this world.
            1. Or else my servants would fight
            2. And I would not be delivered up.
          2. Now is my kingdom not of the world (Acts 1:6).
      3. Are you a king? (John 18:37)
        1. I came to bear witness of the truth.
        2. I am heard by those who are of the truth (John 8:47).
      4. What is truth? (John 18:38)
    4. Pilate’s Initial Decision (John 18:38-40)
      1. The testimony of Pilate (John 18:38)
      2. The request of Pilate (John 18:39)
      3. The rejection of the Jews (John 18:40)
    5. Seven Accusations Made against Jesus
      1. He perverted the nation (Luke 23:2).
      2. He forbade tribute to Caesar (Luke 23:2).
      3. He made Himself king (Luke 23:2; John 18:33-37).
      4. He stirred up the people (Luke 23:5).
      5. He was a malefactor (Luke 23:32-33; John 18:30).
      6. He threatened to destroy the temple (Matthew 26:59-61; Mark 14:58; see John 2:18-22).
      7. He made Himself the Son of God (John 19:7).
David Reagan

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 17:4

A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue.