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The Book of Numbers 0001 - Lesson 6

Scripture Passage: 
Numbers 5:1-31

Chapter 5

Separate from the Defiled

    1. The Command to Separate (Numbers 5:2)
      1. Biblical separation is twofold
        1. Separation from something
        2. Separation unto God
      2. Separation Chapters 5 and 6
        1. Separation from (Numbers 5)
        2. Separation unto (Numbers 6)
        3. Note:  The word “defiled” occurs 8 times in this chapter alone.
    2. The People from Which to Separate (Numbers 5:2)
      1. Lepers
      2. Every one that hath an issue
      3. Those defiled by the dead
      4. Note:  We are dealing specifically with the viewpoint of those putting out the unclean in this chapter, but perhaps we should consider the opposite side of this separation for a moment.
        1. The symptoms mentioned by God in verse 2 are often connected to or are typical of sin.
        2. As such, sin is a disease only curable by the pure blood of the Son of God.  Man’s blood carries death.  If Jesus Christ were not God, then His blood would also have carried death, and hence could not provide life. (Acts 20:28)
        3. Sin can
          1. Make us unclean
          2. Cripple us
        4. Sin separates you from the fellowship of God’s people (Psalm 1:5; 1 Corinthians 5:11; 2 Thessalonians 3:6,14).
        5. Sin separates you from the fellowship of God Himself (Isaiah 59:2).
    3. The Purpose of Separation (Numbers 5:3)
      1. Defilement of the camp
        1. Separation from defilement is not done for the purpose of cruelty to the defiled.
        2. Defilement spreads and as such will eventually defile the whole camp.
        3. God evidently cared more for the purity of the camp than the individual feelings of the defiled.
        4. This is very similar to the concept we know of as church discipline (Galatians 1:8-9).
        5. Evil, defilement and uncleanness can be transferred (Numbers 19:22).
      2. The presence of God
        1. The congregation’s responsibility
          1. Israel, as a nation, had a special relationship with God (Deuteronomy 4:7; Deuteronomy 5:26; Psalm 147:19-20; Romans 9:4-5).
          2. God would meet with Israel and their priests in a special way (Exodus 25:21-22; Exodus 29:42-44; Exodus 30:6, 36).
          3. God was to dwell among them (Exodus 25:8; Exodus 29:45-46; Leviticus 26:11-12).
          4. As such, there was a great danger of defiling God’s tabernacle among them (Leviticus 15:31; Numbers 19:11-13, 20).
        2. God’s hatred for sin
          1. God cannot dwell with it (Psalm 5:4).
          2. God abhors sins and those who do them (Psalm 10:3).
          3. God is wearied by sins (Isaiah 43:24).
          4. Sin makes God angry (Jeremiah 25:7).
          5. God cannot look upon iniquity (Habakkuk 1:13).
    1. The Offense Committed (Numbers 5:6)
    2. The Restitution (Numbers 5:7-10)
      1. Confession of sin
      2. Recompense the trespass and add the fifth part
        1. To the kinsman if living
        2. If there is no kinsman, let it be recompensed unto the Lord.
      3. This is certainly an outward demonstration of repentance.
        1. It includes confession.  This is done when a person agrees in their heart with God concerning their sin. Confession is the idea of admitting something that incriminates you.
        2. Not only is there confession but there is also action.  The person does not stop at confessing their guilt but rather an attempt is made to make things right.  Our repentance toward God should not just yield confession but it should yield a change of heart toward the things of God and the way God would have us to live.
        3. Zacchaeus was willing to do this and much more when he met the Saviour (Luke 19:8).  Certainly a New Testament believer ought to be willing to do the same.
      4. Offerings brought unto the priest are his.  Note:  A practical application can be found in the idea that offerings brought unto the priest are his.  We oftentimes bring things to the Lord and tell Him they are His and we follow that by giving all of our suggestions on how that gift or perhaps sin that we turned over to Him ought to be handled.  Remember that once you give it to our High Priest, it is His.
  3. THE JEALOUSY OFFERING (Numbers 5:11-31)
    1. Suspicion of Guilt (Numbers 5:11-14)
      1. There was no evidence against the woman.
        1. It is hid from the eyes of her husband.
        2. There is no witness against her.
        3. She was not taken in the manner.
      2. The husband did not know for sure whether or not she was guilty.
      3. If the spirit of jealousy would come upon him, then he would put her through the trial.
    2. Her Presentation before the Priest (Numbers 5:15)
      1. The man brings his wife before the priest.
      2. The husband brings her offering for her.
    3. Her Offering (Numbers 5:15)
      1. The offering is a tenth part of an ephah of barley meal.
      2. No oil is to be poured on it.
      3. No frankincense is to be put on it.
      4. It is an offering of jealousy.
      5. It is an offering of memorial, bringing iniquity to remembrance.
    4. Her Presentation before the LORD (Numbers 5:16-18)
      1. The woman is brought near and set before the Lord.
      2. The priest would take holy water and put it in an earthen vessel.
      3. The priest would then take some dust from off of the tabernacle floor and put it into the water.
      4. The woman was completely open before the Lord.
        1. Her head was uncovered.
        2. The offering of memorial was in her hands.
      5. The priest would have in his hand the bitter water that causeth the curse.
    5. The Charging of the Oath (Numbers 5:19-22)
      1. The priest would charge her by an oath.
        1. If no man have lain with thee be thou free.
        2. If thou hast gone aside, the Lord make thee a curse.
      2. The Lord would make her thigh to rot and her belly to swell.
      3. The woman says amen, amen.
    6. The Curses (Numbers 5:23-24)
      1. The priest writes the curses in a book.
      2. He then blots them out with the water.
        1. Perhaps this is done by dipping a sponge in the water and wiping the page and putting the sponge back into the water.
        2. Perhaps the page itself was dipped into the water.
      3. The woman will have to drink the water.
    7. The Offering of the Jealousy Offering (Numbers 5:25-26)
      1. The priest takes the jealousy offering out of the woman’s hand.
      2. He waves it before the Lord.
      3. He offers it upon the altar.
      4. The priest then takes a handful of the offering and burns it upon the altar.
      5. After this the woman will drink the water.
    8. The Drinking of the Bitter Water (Numbers 5:26-28)
      1. The woman drinks the water.
      2. This water contains
        1. Dirt
        2. The curses
      3. If she is defiled
        1. The water will become bitter.
          1. A supernatural working of God did this.  In the end it was God who showed the innocence or the guilt of the woman.
        2. Her belly shall swell.
        3. Her thigh shall rot.
        4. She will be a curse among her people.
      4. If she is not defiled
        1. She shall be free.
        2. She shall conceive seed.
    1. Unlike the woman in the story, we are definitely guilty – guilty of going aside to other gods, which are not the true God.
    2. The water is used to reveal the innocence or guilt of the person as the word of God does now.
    3. One day every man, woman, boy and girl will stand naked and open while the word of God pronounces us clean because we have put our faith in Christ or unclean because we rejected the sacrifice. (Hebrews 4:12-13).
    4. The punishment of the curse can only be taken in 1 of 2 ways:
      1. Either Jesus Christ took it on Himself in your place
      2. Or you will bear the punishment in outer darkness
Andrew Ray

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 14:9

Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.