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How to Teach the Bible 0001 - Lesson 4

The Importance of Teaching

Its Condemnation (Continued)

    1. The Level of Condemnation
      1. The greater condemnation (James 3:1)
      2. The greater damnation (Mark 12:35-40)
      3. Swift destruction (2 Peter 2:1)
      4. The end is destruction (Philippians 3:17-19).
    2. The Source of Condemnation
      1. For the word taught
        1. We often rejoice in the gaining of rewards for our disciples who in turn disciple others.
        2. We rarely consider that we must likewise be accountable for false teaching that is passed from one generation to another.
      2. For the people taught
        1. When you teach, you invest yourself in the life of another.
        2. When your students go into false teaching and preaching, you as the teacher will bear some of this burden.
  2. CHARACTERISTICS OF FALSE TEACHERS (Taken from an article by Thomas Brooks, a puritan from the 1800s)
    1. False Teachers Are Men-Pleasers (Isaiah 30:10; Jeremiah 5:30-31).
    2. False Teachers Are Vision-Pushers (Jeremiah 14:14).
    3. False Teachers Are Gnat-Strainers (1 Timothy 1:5-7).
    4. False Teachers Are Speech-Makers (Romans 16:18).
    5. False Teachers Are Argument-Makers (Matthew 23:15).
    6. False Teachers Are Merchandise-Makers (2 Peter 2:1-3).

The Basics of Teaching

The Passing of Knowledge

    1. Possess the Knowledge.
      1. Possess before passing.
        1. Before any knowledge can be passed on by a teacher, the teacher must first be in possession of that knowledge (Matthew 15:14; John 3:9-10; 1 Timothy 1:7).
        2. In a letter to a young minister, Andrew Fuller (1754-1815) stated the following, “It is advantageous to a minister to feel himself necessitated, as it were, to understand every part of Scripture, in order to explain it to the people.”
        3. In the same letter Fuller also stated, “There is a great difference between reading the Scriptures as a student, in order to find something to say to the people, and reading them as a Christian, with a view to get good from them to one’s own soul. That which is gained in the latter of these ways is, beyond all comparison, of the greatest use, both to ourselves, and others.”
        4. John Taylor (1752-1835) was an important pioneer Baptist preacher in Virginia and Kentucky. According to Baptists on the American Frontier (p.48-49), he worked to encourage young preachers but often in an abrasive way. At one associational meeting, a young man was preaching from Ezekiel 47:3-5 where the water coming from the temple continually gets deeper. The preacher called his four points ankle-deep, knee-deep, loin-deep, and the depth for swimming. He identified ankle-deep as repentance from sin and knee-deep as assurance of salvation. While the young man took an hour preaching these two points, Taylor sat behind him with his head bowed and resting on his hand. The young man finally stated, “Thirdly, we go a little deeper where the water reaches the loins.” At that, John Taylor straightened up, pointed his finger, and said, “Young man, come ashore. You are deep enough, deep enough.” The young preacher sat down in some embarrassment, but he had learned a good lesson.
      2. Basic knowledge that must be possessed
        1. The doctrines of God
          1. The Godhead
          2. The Father
          3. The Son
          4. The Holy Spirit
        2. The doctrines of creation
          1. The spirit world
          2. Physical creation
          3. Man
          4. Sin
        3. The doctrines of revelation
          1. The word of God
          2. Dispensations
          3. Prophecy
        4. The doctrines of redemption
          1. Salvation
          2. Israel
          3. Church
      3. Hindrances to knowledge
        1. Pride (1 Timothy 6:3-4)
        2. Preconceived ideas
          1. The general order of events for a person is that they find out what to believe, and then venture to the scriptures to find evidence to back what they have determined to believe.
          2. We should always approach scripture with an openness to find out what we should believe.
    2. Pass the Knowledge.
      1. Once a person has possession of true Bible knowledge they are accountable to pass that knowledge on to others.
      2. We understand this principle when it comes to salvation. We expect all who are saved to go and tell others who are not saved about what Christ has done for them. This is the passing of knowledge at work.
    1. Start at the Lowest Level.
      1. A good teacher will not start with the latest bit of knowledge that he/she has learned.
      2. A teacher must start with what the student already knows.
      3. Even in construction we understand that buildings must be built from the ground up.
    2. Build Up.
      1. The natural pattern of construction is to start at the ground level and build up.
      2. As teachers, it is your responsibility to start with what your students know, and leave them with everything that you know (Acts 20:20-21, 27).
    1. Bring the Students Up to Your Level of Knowledge.
      1. For some this takes only a short amount of time.
      2. For strong Bible students and teachers this could take less than five years.
    2. Increase the Level of Your Knowledge.
      1. As teachers of God’s word, we ought to always be learning. Consider some thoughts from the late Pastor David F. Reagan.
        1. Remember what you have been taught. Always be seeking more understanding and wisdom from the Lord.
        2. Determine in your heart to never stop growing in the things of the Lord and in your service to Him.
        3. You cannot lead people where you have not gone. If you want your people to continue to grow in the things of the Lord, then you must continue to grow spiritually.
        4. Always be on the outlook for someone to train for service. Look for men who are faithful, teachable, and who have a good spirit. These are the ones who will respond best to your training. The most talented men are often the least teachable.
      2. Charles Spurgeon accepted his first pastorate in Waterbeach Baptist Church at the age of seventeen. On his first anniversary at the church, Pastor Cornelius Elven said to him, “Lad, study hard; keep abreast of your foremost Christians; for if they outstrip you in knowledge of Scripture or power to edify, they will be dissatisfied with your ministry.” –from Spurgeon: Prince of Preachers by Lewis Drummond (p.165)
Andrew Ray

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 11:5

The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness.