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Bible History I - Lesson 3

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                     Bible History

Early Earth

    1. The Seven Days of Creation
      1. Light
      2. Firmament
      3. Dry land and vegetation
        1. Grass
        2. Herb
        3. Tree
      4. Lights
        1. Sun
        2. Moon
        3. Stars
      5. Fish and fowl
      6. Land animals and man
        1. Land animals
          1. Cattle
          2. Creeping things
          3. Beasts of the earth
        2. Man (Genesis 2:7)
          1. Body
          2. Soul
          3. Spirit
      7. Rest
    2. Seven Blessings of Creation
      1. Genesis 1:4
      2. Genesis 1:10
      3. Genesis 1:12
      4. Genesis 1:18
      5. Genesis 1:21
      6. Genesis 1:25
      7. Genesis 1:31
      8. Notes
        1. No blessings on the second day
        2. Double blessings on the third day
    1. From Creation (around 4,000BC) to Birth of Abram (around 2,100BC)—approximate dates.
      1. 4,000BC – Creation
      2. 3,500BC – Birth of Jared, Enoch’s father
      3. 3,000BC – Enoch translated
      4. 2,500BC – Death of Jared
      5. 2,300BC – Flood
      6. 2,200BC – Babel
      7. 2,000BC – Abraham
    2. Birth of Men in Messianic Line (Genesis 5,11) – dated from Creation
      1. Adam – 0
      2. Seth – 130
      3. Enos – 235 (Genesis 4:26; cp 3:9; 4:9)
      4. Cainan – 325
      5. Mahaleel – 395
      6. Jared – 460
      7. Enoch – 622 (Genesis 5:21-24)
      8. Methuselah – 687 (lived to 969 and died the year of the flood)
      9. Lamech – 874
      10. Noah – 1,056
      11. Shem – 1,559 (Genesis 5:32; 7:6; 8:13-14; 11:10)
      12. Arphaxad – 1,659
      13. Salah – 1,694
      14. Eber – 1,724
      15. Peleg – 1,759 (see Genesis 10:25,32)
      16. Reu – 1,788
      17. Serug – 1,820
      18. Nahor – 1,850
      19. Terah – 1,879
      20. Abram – 2,009 (Genesis 11:26,32; Acts 7:4)
    3. Generations
      1. Gentile ages
        1. 10th - Noah
        2. 20th – Abraham
      2. Special men
        1. 7th – Enoch (Jude 14)
        2. 14th – Eber (Genesis 11:16-17; Luke 3:35; Genesis 10:21; 14:13)
        3. 7th from Eber – Abraham
  3. CAIN’S LINE (Genesis 4:16-24)
    1. The Generations
      1. Adam
      2. Cain
      3. Enoch (Genesis 4:17)
      4. Irad
      5. Mehujael
      6. Methusael
      7. Lamech
    2. The Civilization (Genesis 4:19-24)  -see essay Wayward Civilization
    1. Building the Ark (Genesis 6:3,14-16)
    2. Entering the Ark (Genesis 7:1,7-10)
    3. Forty Days of Rain (Genesis 7:11-12,17)
    4. Landing the Ark (Genesis 7:24; 8:3-4)
    5. Mountain Tops Seen (Genesis 8:5)
    6. Birds Sent Out (Genesis 8:6-12)
    7. Leaving the Ark (Genesis 8:13-16)
  5. TABLE OF NATIONS (Genesis 10)
    1. The Fathers of the Nations (Genesis 5:32; 9:18-19)
      1. Ham, the younger (Genesis 9:24)
      2. Japheth, the elder (Genesis 10:21)
      3. Birth order:  Japheth, Shem, Ham
    2. The Division of the Nations (Genesis 10:32)
      1. Divided by continents
        1. Japheth (v.2-5) goes to Europe
        2. Ham (v.6-20) goes to Africa
        3. Shem (v.21-31) goes to Asia
        4. Note: this is a generalization and not an exact rule
      2. Divided around Israel (Deuteronomy 32:8)
      3. Divided to best seek the Lord (Acts 17:26-27)
  6. BABEL (Genesis 11:1-9)
    1. Universal Language – Perhaps Hebrew
      1. What Jesus spoke to Saul (Acts 26:14)
      2. How the saints praise in heaven (Revelation 19:1-6) –Alleluia is a Hebrew word
      3. Possibly the pure language of the kingdom (Zephaniah 3:9)
    2. Universal State (v.3-4)
      1. Against God’s command (Genesis 9:1)
      2. Against God’s purpose (Acts 17:26-27)
      3. Against God (Psalm 2:1-3; Proverbs 1:10-16)
    3. God’s Division (v.6-8; 10:32)

                      Bible History


    1. Patriarch Refers to the Founding Fathers of Israel
    2. Bible References (Acts 2:29; 7:8; Hebrews 7:4)
  2. THEIR IDENTITY (Genesis 12-50)
    1. Abraham
    2. Isaac
    3. Jacob (Israel)
    4. Twelve Sons of Israel
    1. Fourth Dispensation (Innocence, Conscience, Human Government, Patriarchs or Promise)
    2. Lasted From the Call of Abraham (about 2100BC) to Death of Joseph (about 1800BC) –note: dispensation lasted until the giving of the law
    1. Its Promise
      1. A seed
      2. A nation
      3. A land
    2. Its Proclamation
      1. Genesis 12:1-3 (Abraham)
      2. Genesis 15:18-21 (Abraham)
      3. Genesis 17:1-8 (Abraham)
      4. Genesis 22:15-18 (Abraham)
      5. Genesis 26:2-5 (Isaac)
      6. Genesis 28:13-15 (Jacob)
      7. Genesis 35:9-12 (Jacob)
    3. Its Purpose – to establish a chosen people (Genesis 46:1-7, 26-27)
  5. THEIR CHRONOLOGY (given in years from the flood)
    1. Birth of Abraham – 2,009
    2. Birth of Isaac – 2,109 (Genesis 21:5)
    3. Birth of Jacob – 2,169 (Genesis 25:19-26)
    4. Entrance Into Egypt – 2,299 (Genesis 47:7-9)
    5. Death of Jacob – 2,316 (Genesis 47:28)
    1. To Leah
      1. Reuben
      2. Simeon
      3. Levi
      4. Judah
      5. Issachar
      6. Zebulon
    2. To Rachel
      1. Joseph
      2. Benjamin
    3. To Bilhah, Rachel’s Maid
      1. Dan
      2. Naphtali
    4. To Zilpah, Leah’s Maid
      1. Gad
      2. Asher
  7. WHAT REUBEN LOST (Genesis 49:3-4)
    1. He Lost His Double Portion (Deuteronomy 21:15-17; 1 Chronicles 5:1; Genesis 48:5)
    2. He Lost His Spiritual Leadership (Numbers 3:11-13; 8:18)
    3. He Lost His Secular Rule (1 Chronicles 5:1-2; Genesis 49:8-10)
    1. After the Exodus (Numbers 1:5-15,47-49)
      1. The standard Old Testament numbering of the tribes
      2. Levi not counted
      3. The sons of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) counted as two tribes
    2. In Revelation (Revelation 7:4-8)
      1. Dan replaced with Levi (Genesis 49:16-17; 1 Kings 12:26-30)
      2. Ephraim replaced with Joseph (Hosea 4:17) –even though the tribe of Manasseh is also listed
David Reagan

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 17:15

He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.