Parting of the Waters
Where are all places that state the parting or dividing of water in the Bible?
Mouse in the House
How are we supposed to treat animals? Does God allow us to kill animals in some cases?
Messages from the Dead
Why is there such a recent surge in the popularity of movies and TV shows dealing with "messages from the dead?" Why is the practice of consulting with psychics, such as Sylvia Brown or John Edwards (who claim to talk to the dead and consult spirit guides) becoming spiritually acceptable to so many?
Marriage of Daughters
Do fathers have the ultimate decision in their daughters marriage? Are there limits to the control that a parent would have over their children as they become adults?
Jewish Burial
I understand Jewish custom dictates that the body is to be buried with earth to speed the return of the soul to nature or to God. If this is true, why was Christ, a Jew, placed in a rock tomb and not buried in the earth? Please explain the purpose of the Jewish custom too.
The Tree of Life
The tree of life is mentioned exactly ten times in the Bible. The first three times are in Genesis when access to the tree was lost by the fall of man. The last three times are...
Hunters and Fishermen
Hunters and fishers are treated differently in the Bible. The first hunter in scripture is Nimrod, the "mighty hunter before the LORD' (Genesis 10:9). He is definitely a type of the...
The Abomination of Shepherds
In Genesis 46:34, Joseph informs his brothers that "every shepherd is an abomination unto the Egyptians." While taking nothing from the literal meaning of the passage, this passage has a wonderful application...
Women Deacons? Is This Permissible?
Is it Biblical for a woman to hold the office of a deacon?