The Identity of the Unicorn
How does the Bible identify a unicorn? Most modern versions identify the unicorn as a wild ox. However, the biblical descriptions do not fit a wild ox. What are some of the true characteristics of the unicorn?
God's Demand of Righteousness
Do you know of any passages in the bible which state that God demands righteousness from all people or does the Bible make a distinction between righteousness required by the world at large and that required by God's children?
First Slave in the Bible
Who was the first slave master and slave in the Bible?
Faith of Terah
What were the religious activities during the time of our patriarch, Abraham and his father, Terah? Did all know of God or did God call Abraham uniquely?
Faces of Lions
What does 1 Chronicles 12:8 mean when it refers to the Gadites as having faces like the faces of lions?
Elijah and Enoch
If the Old Testament saints went to paradise when they died, how do you explain Elijah and Enoch?
Did Christ Have an Eternal Body?
Some say God's essence is spirit and, therefore, that image is mind, will, and emotions (or similar variations) and cannot include anything physical like a body. Some put forth that the image is spirit, soul, and body. But even most of those admit that the body is looking forward to Jesus as God in the flesh. Why couldn't the Word have had a physical body before the incarnation and, thus, man being made in God's image would be body, soul, and spirit?
Curse of Ham or Canaan
In Genesis, Noah cursed Ham for looking upon his nakedness. Was there an underlying reason for this curse? Is the curse considered to be a "generational curse"?
Creation of Heaven and Hell
In Genesis 1 it says that God created the heavens. When was heaven created? Also, when was hell created. Was it before or after the fall of Lucifer and his angels?
Commanding God
Please explain to me what Isaiah 45:11 means. Can we command the hands of God in our lives?