Water in the Bible
How many times does "water" occur in the Bible and what is it's significance?
Urim and Thummin
How does the practice of "Urim and Thummin" in the Old Testament differ from forbidden practices of divination?
Three Arks in the Scriptures
There are three arks in the Bible. Each one is a rectangular shaped container with a cover. It might help if we look at each one separately.
The Testaments
Is the Old Testament specifically the animal sacrifices while the New Testament is strictly the shed blood of Christ for forgiveness?
Temptation and God
Someone told me that the word "tempt" when it refers to God, was a typo. Please let me know what you think.
Speaking in Tongues - Are Tongues for Today?
This question deals with the sign gifts of Mark 16 (snake handling, drinking deadly poison) and 1 Corinthians 14.
Slaves in the Bible
What does the Bible teach concerning slavery and servanthood? Is it always considered an ungodly practice or are there situations where servanthood is scriptural?
Sin Nature
How do you describe one's sin nature? How do we inherit this nature? In what ways are we sinners?
Seeking A Sign
Is it ok to seek a sign from God? Doesn't seeking a sign indicate lack of faith?
Seeing God
The Bible says that no one has ever seen God, but what about Moses in the old testament, didn't he see God?