The Plagues Continue
God continues to increase the price to be paid for disobedience to His commands. Yet, God has a much larger plan for His people so He increases the resistance against Him by hardening Pharaoh’s heart even further than he had hardened it himself. God will deliver His people entirely out of the land. He is not satisfied with a halfway deliverance.
Numbered List
The Deliverance of Israel Begins
When we are in need, we prefer to think of a deliverance that works like the cavalry coming at the last minute while giving complete and immediate relief. God does not always work this way. Even deliverance may involve struggles and battles
The Plagues Continue
God continues to show His power through the plagues that are falling on the land of Egypt. How long does it take people to listen to the word of the Lord? By plague seven (the hail), some of the Egyptians are beginning to believe the truth of the word of God (see Exodus 9:19-20).
Introduction to the Plagues
Two miracles have demonstrated the power of God, yet Pharaoh’s heart is hardened and he will not let the people go. Moses once again receives directions to go to Pharaoh and call for the liberty of Israel, but this time his refusal will bring plagues against the land of Egypt and their gods.
Numbered List
Owe No Man
Romans 13:8 tells us to owe no man anything but love. But, does this mean that we cannot incur any kind of debt?
Bitter Herbs
Are your trials like the bitter herbs eaten by the children of Israel? How can scripture help you with these bitter herbs?
They Did Not Drive Them Out
What dangers do we face when we do not fully obey the word of God? Could it be that disobeyed commands today will bring trials and troubles tomorrow?
Glorious Times to Come (Daily Portion 10317)
God promises glorious times to come for Jerusalem. It will be called a city of truth and will have both the elderly and the young in its streets. The remnant of the Jews will be returned to the land and they will be prosperous. The Lord will be their God and they will be His people in truth and in righteousness.
I have recently been told that Halloween is the Devil's holiday, but before I had always heard that it was a religious holiday. Could you please clarify which is accurate?
Christians And War
Since God said we should not kill, is it not a sin when born again Christians in Military services do so?