Bibliology - The Preservation of God's Word
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College. These notes cover the doctrine of the Bible.
Bibliology - Manuscript Evidence for God's Word
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College. These notes cover the doctrine of the Bible.
Bibliology - The Identity of God's Word
College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College. These notes cover the doctrine of the Bible.
Gap Theory of Genesis Creation
The gap in Genesis is one of those subjects over which many believers will split. Yet, it is the only explanation for several supposed contradictions.
Bible Preservation - Introduction
These notes cover the doctrine and history of the preservation of the Bible; sometimes this course is known as Manuscript Evidence
As It Hath Pleased Him
1 Corinthians 12:18: God has a plan for our lives. His ultimate desire is for us to bring Him glory. He works in our lives to bring us to that end.
The Institution of Marriage
God created man and gave him work to do, but there was still something lacking. Man was alone.