Cremation or Burial, What Saith the Scriptures
What do the scriptures say about cremation or burial?
Amos 0002 - Lesson 2
A Bible college course that deals with a verse-by-verse study of the Book of Amos
The Making of a Covenant
A covenant is a solemn agreement. The most important covenants in the Bible are those in which God makes a covenant with man: the Abrahamic Covenant, the Davidic Covenant, etc. Here is a covenant which man makes with God. The Israelites recognize the importance of God and covenant together to wholly follow Him.
The King Rejects His Queen
The entire book of Esther is about God’s providential care of His people.
The Message of Future Glory
The message of Haggai, chapter two, is a message of coming glory (see Haggai 2:3, 7, 9; compare 1:8). The importance of the message is shown in the time in which it was given.
The Troubles of Job
Job may have been the first book of the Bible to have been written down. It is certainly one of the earliest. It deals with a universal theme: the problem of suffering. Is suffering always a punishment for sin? Can we know why we suffer? Will justice triumph in the end? How should we deal with suffering? Consider these questions and others that come to your mind as you study this passage.
The Two Babylons
There are two different responses to the destruction of Babylon. Which side will you be on?
The Interpretation of Prophecy
Some say that prophecy is too hard to understand. Everyone interprets the Bible differently and there is no correct way to interpret prophecy. This is not true. As in everything else, God gives us the guidance to understand the prophecy that He wrote.