Esther Becomes the Queen of Persia
As in the previous chapter, we see here a plain telling of events without any explanation of good or evil. However, these first two chapters are setting up the circumstances for a powerful story. As in chapter one, this lesson shows us the ways of the world.
The King Rejects His Queen
The entire book of Esther is about God’s providential care of His people.
The Message of Future Glory
The message of Haggai, chapter two, is a message of coming glory (see Haggai 2:3, 7, 9; compare 1:8). The importance of the message is shown in the time in which it was given.
The Word Made Flesh
To understand the gospel record of Jesus Christ, we must go back before the beginning of time where the Son of God already dwells. This lesson deals with the very important truth that God’s Son did not begin at the time of His birth in a manger. He existed in eternity past and was the Creator of all things.
Introduction to Leviticus
The Levitical sacrificial system had five separate and distinct offerings that could be made to the Lord.
Christ a Garment for Sanctification
Garments are for the covering of the body. They hide nakedness and deformity. The Lord Jesus Christ is a cover for the soul, every man’s nakedness and deformity appears that hath not on this spiritual Garment.
Christ the Head
The Son of God is very often in the holy scriptures called an Head. He is the Head of the body, the church, which alludes to a natural Head.