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An Opportunity to Minister

Published Date: 
June 26, 2006

Research has shown that 11 million American adults cannot read. That means they cannot pick up the word of God and study it. They cannot pick up a tract and read to find out how to know Jesus Christ. This reminds us of a phrase found in Romans 10:14, which says, "how shall they hear without a preacher". Should these people go unreached because they are not able to read? I think not. Perhaps God's people need to be looking at training others to read. In the mean time, we ought to be thinking of ways to get good tracts, books and other items available in audio format. It wouldn't take much to take good tracts and produce audio files to distribute to those who cannot read. Maybe God will stir some hearts to reach these with the word of God.

Andrew Ray

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 13:8

The ransom of a man's life are his riches: but the poor heareth not rebuke.