Christ the Head
The Son of God is very often in the holy scriptures called an Head. He is the Head of the body, the church, which alludes to a natural Head.
The Furtherance of the Gospel - Part 2
Four ministries of the church: Reconciliation, Word, Lord, Saints. The one work of the church in the world: the furtherance of the gospel!
Christ a Shepherd
What can we learn about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ from looking at the duties and character of a Shepherd?
The Furtherance of the Gospel
Four ministries of the church: Reconciliation, Word, Lord, Saints. The one work of the church in the world: the furtherance of the gospel!
The Holy Spirit The Saints Guide
We read in the scriptures that the Holy Spirit is to guide us into all truth, but what are some of the implications of the Holy Spirit being a guide?
God Compared to a Potter
God sent Jeremiah down to the potter's house to show him some things. It should not surprise us that God is like the potter in many ways. This article shows the similarities and distinctions between the two.
Christ a Bridegroom
A Bridegroom presupposes two things. First, a person in a single capacity; and as so considered, he is a suitor. Secondly, a person in a married estate; and as so considered, he is a head or husband. In both these respects Christ may be considered, and is held forth in the word of God.
Christ a Branch
In the scriptures, Jesus Christ is called the Branch. We are to understand His human nature as intended. As such, concerning the flesh, he proceeded from Abraham, Jesse and David.
Christ a Testator
The death of the Testator has put His will and testament into effect. In what ways is Christ a Testator? Great blessings have been left to His people? Are you experiencing those blessings?
Christ A Prophet
The Lord Jesus Christ had three offices. They are Prophet, Priest and King. In what aspects was Jesus Christ a Prophet?