Lordship Salvation
What is the meaning of lordship salvation? Is it biblical? When a person accepts Christ as their personal Saviour, must they also accept Him as Lord of all?
The Last Trump
Is the trumpet of 1 Corinthians 15:52 the same as the trumpet of Revelation 11:15? If so, doesn't this mean that the church will not be raptured out until the end of the tribulation?
Inspiration - Why is it so Important?
Why is it so important to believe that the Bible is divinely inspired?
The End Times
Is the teaching of the rapture of the church a doctrine of devils? Please explain the different viewpoints on the end times.
Does the Bible Teach Soul Sleep?
Does the soul just go to sleep after death awaiting the return of the Lord?
The Day of the Lord
What is the Day of the Lord and what is the connection with the second coming of Christ?
Day of the Lord
In the Bible, does the '"day of the Lord" refer to the end times starting after the rapture? These verses suggest that the Day of the Lord starts with different periods in respect to the rapture. Joel 3:31, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5 and Isaiah 13:9. Can you please explain these verses to me as to when exactly the day of the Lord begins?
Christians And The Tribulation
Will there be born again Christians who will go through the tribulation or will they be raptured before it starts?
Children in the Rapture
When the rapture takes place there will be unsaved women who are pregnant. My question is "will these babies in the womb be raptured"?