Time to Journey
The time has come for the children of Israel to move forward. The Lord gives a few final instructions, and the children of Israel make their journey into the wilderness of Paran.
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The Jewish Feasts
God established seven original annual feasts for the children of Israel as described here in Leviticus 23. Two later feasts were recognized in the Bible. The feast of Purim was established in the book of Esther (Esther 9:20-32). The feast of Hanukkah was established during the time between the testaments but was sanctioned by the New Testament where it was called the feast of dedication (John 10:22).
The Meat Offering
Almost every scholar wants to change the meat offering to something else—although they cannot decide what else. The name is said to be confusing to Bible readers. The meat offering has no animal flesh. In fact, it is the only major offering in which no animals are killed. Why is it called the meat offering? Actually, there are very good reasons for calling it the meat offering.
The Deaths of Jacob & Joseph
The story is ending. The last of the founding patriarchs are dying. This is a story of burials and not of births. Yet, hope remains. It remains in the hearts. It remains in the last request of Joseph to carry his bones back to the land of Canaan when God visits His people.
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The Great Flood
Even in the midst of destruction, God provides a way for the salvation of those who will trust in Him. The emphasis of this lesson is not one of judgment but of God’s mercy for His own. Notice also that God delivers His people out of the way of His wrath. He does not make them go through it. In like manner, God’s people in the age of grace will be raptured from the earth before the falling of God’s wrath upon it (Romans 5:9; 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10; 1 Thessalonians 5:9).
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Men of God - Men Who Administrate
Introduction: In the opening text:
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The Golden Calf
Moses had been in the mount for nearly forty days and nights, and the people began to get anxious. They had refused a one-on-one fellowship with the Lord, but are now longing for a god to worship. Aaron, Moses’ brother and right hand man, is recruited to aid in the construction and worship of a golden calf. The end result significantly matches the worship of modern churches, and attention should be given to the righteous Moses, the man of God, and the Lord Himself.
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Men of God - Men Who Abound
To abound literally means to go over the bounds. Men of God cannot be halfway Christians. They cannot go just far enough and then quit. They must overflow. The abundance that comes from God comes in His way and in His time. Are you living the Christian life to its fullest? Is your zeal for the Lord real and consistent?
Praying for Patience
Have you been frightened from praying for patience by some carnal Christian? Will the real man or woman of God stand up?
Personal Testimony - Section 6 - Lesson 8
How should your life shine forth as a living testimony? What is the Christian's call to separation and service? Discipleship lesson.