How to Teach the Bible 0001 - Lesson 3
A Bible college course which teaches the importance of Bible teaching and basics of how to teach the Bible
The Decree Against the Jews
The first two chapters of Esther gave the background of the story of Esther. Chapter three reveals the true conflict of this Bible story. Haman is established as the chief of the princes of the Persian Empire. Then Haman, in his hatred of Mordecai, lashes out at the entire Jewish race within the realm of the great Persian Empire. They are to be completely destroyed.
Esther Becomes the Queen of Persia
As in the previous chapter, we see here a plain telling of events without any explanation of good or evil. However, these first two chapters are setting up the circumstances for a powerful story. As in chapter one, this lesson shows us the ways of the world.
The King Rejects His Queen
The entire book of Esther is about God’s providential care of His people.
The Purification of the People
The children of Israel were to keep themselves separated from the other nations but, by intermarrying with the different nations around them, they had compromised and taken on their abominations. The answer for them, though it might seem harsh, was to separate from their heathen marriages.
God’s Answer to Job
Job has gone through great trials without turning against God and cursing Him. However, he does complain of being unjustly persecuted and expects God to give him reasons for his suffering. In this chapter, God actually appears to Job.
The Troubles of Job
Job may have been the first book of the Bible to have been written down. It is certainly one of the earliest. It deals with a universal theme: the problem of suffering. Is suffering always a punishment for sin? Can we know why we suffer? Will justice triumph in the end? How should we deal with suffering? Consider these questions and others that come to your mind as you study this passage.
The Sending of John the Baptist
The birth and naming of John the Baptist and the prophecy of Zecharias
The Word Made Flesh
To understand the gospel record of Jesus Christ, we must go back before the beginning of time where the Son of God already dwells. This lesson deals with the very important truth that God’s Son did not begin at the time of His birth in a manger. He existed in eternity past and was the Creator of all things.
Introduction to Leviticus
The Levitical sacrificial system had five separate and distinct offerings that could be made to the Lord.