Provision from God in the Wilderness
God has delivered Israel from Egypt. But now the real test comes. Israel no longer has the wealth of Egypt upon which to rely. Will they be willing to trust in the Lord for their provision? Will they find Him to be sufficient?
Numbered List
Praying for Patience
Have you been frightened from praying for patience by some carnal Christian? Will the real man or woman of God stand up?
The Importance of Good Music
Music is a controversial issue for Christians, but it is also an extremely important issue that must be dealt with.
Bible Study - Section 2 - Lesson 4
Introduction to concepts like inspiration, inerrancy, canon of scripture and the place of Bible study in the Christian life.
Vow of the Nazarite
A man or woman who took the vow of the Nazarite, did so of their own free will. It was a person from the depths of their heart wanting to separate from the world and unto God. Do you love God enough to separate yourself unto Him?
God is Merciful to His People (Daily Portion 10322)
Though God delivered the Israelites from bondage in Egypt and brought them to the Promised Land, they continued to rebel against Him. In anger, He forsook the tabernacle of Shiloh and delivered his strength into captivity (referring to the taking of the ark by the Philistines). But God still came back and defeated their enemies. He chose David of the tribe of Judah to lead the people of Israel. God is merciful to His people.
None Righteous (Daily Portion 10318)
This chapter continues with the theme of the first two chapters. Chapter One of Romans teaches us that the Gentiles are sinners. Chapter Two demonstrates the fact that the Jews are sinners too. This chapter concludes that all men, both Jews and Gentiles, are sinners before God. The Jews, though having certain advantages, rejected Christ. Yet, their unbelief does not destroy the truth of the gospel. Men simply do not seek God on their own. None are righteous. They are all gone out of the way.
Submission to Unworthy Rule
How could a Christian submit to a selfish employer or a corrupt government?
Should Christians Suffer
In America we see so little suffering for the cause of Christ. That does not change that there is a Biblical truth about Christians and suffering.
The Old Man and the Flesh
Are the old man and the flesh one and the same? We read the old man has been crucified with Christ, and that we are to mortify the flesh.