How to Teach the Bible 0002 - Lesson 1
A Bible college course which teaches the importance of Bible teaching and basics of how to teach the Bible
Our Walk Among the Brethren
Our walk in the world is important, but just as important is our walk among other believers.
When the Strong Become Weak
Put yourself under the hearing of God’s word and allow Him to build your faith in what He has done.
The Revelation of the One Body
Paul was thrilled to be in the ministry and be able to share the good news to those who did not know Christ. Shouldn’t we be the same?
Are You Losing Your Mind
The Lord asked you to love Him with your mind and it will be impossible to do so if your mind wanders and is doubtful.
Five Sins of the Ministry
Are you serving the Lord? If so, check your motive. Make sure your desire is to please the Lord and not men.
Be Therewith Content
Contentment is a precious gift and one that the scriptures say must be learned. It is not merely satisfaction, but it is a joyous peace that what we have is exactly what we are supposed to have and that nothing else could top it.
Balancing Truth and Love
John is writing to the “elect lady” who has seemingly erred on the side of love and needs to give more heed to the truth.
Biblical Missions
Neither the word missions nor the word missionary is found in the Bible. Yet, it is difficult to read through Acts or Paul’s epistles without seeing its practice on every page. Mission comes from the Latin word missio and means a sending or sending away. A mission is defined as a sending out with authority to perform a special duty.
Three Keys to Staying on the Right Track
Are you willing to give yourself to charity, a good conscience and faith in the words of God? According to the scriptures, a departure from these principles will end in danger every time.