The Heart of Hospitality
This short epistle deals with one specific problem: the reception and aid of the brethren who will be passing through as they perform their deeds of ministry. In short, this epistle is about the importance of hospitality.
God’s Purpose for this Age of Grace
God’s purpose for this age is not to create an earthly utopia, as taught by the Reconstructionists and other Amillennialists. However, that does not mean that our outlook is pessimistic. It is pessimistic only if we keep our eyes on the world.
Kindness for Jonathan’s Sake
You and I are lame on both feet—but God has a gift for us through Jesus Christ if we will accept Him.
Our Incorruptible Foundation
Our salvation and eternity is not based on cunningly told myths and fables. Rather, it is founded on the incorruptible book of God, blood of Christ, and bounty of the believer.
The Way of Charity
This is the “Charity Chapter” in the Bible. Charity specifically refers to the love that we have toward other men.
Ye Are No More Strangers
In this portion of Ephesians we begin to see God’s plan for us fulfilled as He broke down the wall of partition that would divide between Jew and Gentile.
How to Teach the Bible 0002 - Lesson 5
A Bible college course which teaches the importance of Bible teaching and basics of how to teach the Bible