Jehovah or Yahweh
I was trying to find out from people who can read the original Bible about the original name of God in the Hebrew Bible which they told me its Yahweh before any translation. They say it is a name that was revealed to Moses. How about this now? Did God not say his name was Yahweh to Moses? Did He say his name was Jehovah?
James vs. Paul
I've been having a heated discussion with a fellow church member about the differences between James and Paul. How James was under a different dispensation than Paul, my friend can't buy that. I was wondering what scriptures I could show him that would back up my argument? I tried to explain how James was a legalist, that his teaching was faith plus works for salvation, and Paul's teaching is Faith. Can you help?
In the End of the World
In Hebrews 9:26 Paul (or whoever may be writing) said that Christ had appeared "once "IN THE END OF THE WORLD" to atone for sins. How can it be the "end of the world" when it happened almost 2,000 years ago (considering that this world is only 6,000 plus years old)?
Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit
Is the Holy Ghost the same as the Holy Spirit or are they different?
Healing Today
Why can't people today, heal as Christ instructed the disciples to do? I am not sure what I think of these so called healers you see on television? Was this gift only for the Kingdom period and not for us during the Grace age. I know God can heal through our prayer.
Gifts of the Spirit - Are They for Today?
Benny Hinn, John Hagee, Rod Parsley and many others from TBN practice healing and speaking in tongues along with other things. Is this scriptural?
Dispensational Distinctions
What are some of the common characteristics and distinctions of salvation throughout the ages? Is there a connection between the new covenant and the new birth?
Did Jesus Have Long Hair?
I was taught Jesus had short hair, but someone in our church believes Jesus had long hair and that is his excuse to have long hair as well. Is this right?
Did Jesus Have a Sin Nature?
Was Jesus born with a sin nature? How can it be truly said of Him that He was tempted in every way that we are if He didn't inherit the sin nature from Mary? What makes it so remarkable that He didn't sin if He wasn't even born with the sin nature?