The Spirit of Man
When a man dies, where does the spirit go? If the "spirit" of man is the one that gives the believer the knowledge of God, then does the "spirit" of an unbelieving man have knowledge of God?
Spirit and Soul
Please define and explain the characteristics of the soul and the spirit of man.
Speaking in Tongues - Are Tongues for Today?
This question deals with the sign gifts of Mark 16 (snake handling, drinking deadly poison) and 1 Corinthians 14.
Sinning Away Our Day of Grace
Will God, through the Holy Spirit, finally give up on calling someone for salvation, if the person continues to reject the call?
Sin Against the Body - 1 Corinthians 6:18
What does this verse mean? How is fornication considered sinning against the body? What is included in the term "fornication"?
Sin Nature
How do you describe one's sin nature? How do we inherit this nature? In what ways are we sinners?
Seeking A Sign
Is it ok to seek a sign from God? Doesn't seeking a sign indicate lack of faith?
Salvation During the Tribulation
have heard that Matthew 25:32-46 shows that those saved in the tribulation are saved as a result of how they treat the Jewish people at that time, by works. Is the giving of food, water etc...the reason one gets the inheritance or is the passage speaking of what saved people do being heirs?
Resurrections and Judgments
We have heard much about the judgment of believers in the age of grace at the Judgment seat of Christ, but what about those saved during the tribulation or the millennium? Have the Old Testament saints already been judged or will they too be at the Judgment seat of Christ?
The Resurrected Body of Christ
When Jesus arose from the grave what kind of body did He have? Was it flesh like it was before His death?