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Universality of Sacrifice for Sins

Source Name: 
Bone of His Bone by (p.47-48)
Source Author: 
F. J. Huegel

“Dr. Trumball, in that masterful study of ancient sacrifices, Blood-Covenant, points out that all the peoples of antiquity, of whatever race, or country, practiced in one form or another, sacrifices, either of animal, or of human beings. He wisely gathers from a study which took him to the sacrificial altars of countless aborigines, that an instinct so universal and so deep-seated reveals the fact that man in his blind gropings after God, moved by the deepest intuitions of the race, never has attempted to establish harmonious relations with the Divine, without it be upon the basis of death.”

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 16:13

Righteous lips are the delight of kings; and they love him that speaketh right.