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To Know God; To Really Know God

Source Name: 
The God You Can Know (pg. 15)
Source Author: 
Dan DeHaan

It is important to “understand the difference between ‘knowing’ someone and really knowing someone. Paul spoke in Philippians of having the goal of knowing the Lord [Philippians 3:10]. I can assure you he already knew the Lord when he wrote the statement. He had been a Christian for thirty years. What could he have meant? Paul was aware that there was a higher plane of knowing the Lord, just as a husband and wife can know one another after thirty years of marriage. Paul was not speaking of a casual acquaintance or an ‘easy com, easy go’ relationship. With passion Paul pressed on to know God—and he knew God. Can we do less? Dare we do less?”

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 12:1

Whoso loveth instruction loveth knowledge: but he that hateth reproof is brutish.