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Praying According to the Will of God

Source Name: 
Behind the Ranges (p. 107)
Source Author: 
Mrs. Howard Taylor

James O. Fraser (1886-1938), the greatly used missionary to the Lisu people of China, wrote these words about prayer: "I do not think that a petition which misses the mind of God will ever be answered (1John 5:14). Personally, I feel the need of trusting Him to lead me in prayer as well as in other matters. I find it well to preface prayer not only by meditation but by the definite request that I may be directed into the channels of prayer to which the Holy Spirit is beckoning me. I also find it helpful to make a short list, like notes prepared for a sermon, before every season of prayer. The mind needs to be guided as well as the spirit attuned. I can thus get my thoughts in order, and having prepared my prayer can put the notes on the table or chair before me, kneel down and get to business."

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 13:21

Evil pursueth sinners: but to the righteous good shall be repayed.