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God Must be All-Powerful

Source Name: 
The Existence and Attributes of God: Volume 2 (p.15)
Source Author: 
Stephen Charnock

Stephen Charnock speaks of the necessity of the absolute power of God. “It contributes life and activity to all the other perfections of his nature. How vain would be his eternal counsels, if power did not step in to execute them! His mercy would be a feeble pity, if he were destitute of power to relieve; and his justice a slighted scarecrow, without power to punish; his promises an empty sound, without power to accomplish them. As holiness is the beauty, so power is the life of all his attributes in their exercise; and as holiness, so power, is an adjunct belonging to all, a term that may be given to all. God hath a powerful wisdom to attain his ends without interruption: he hath a powerful mercy to remove our misery; a powerful justice to lay all misery upon offenders: he hath a powerful truth to perform his promises; an infinite power to bestow rewards, and inflict penalties.”

David Reagan

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 12:21

There shall no evil happen to the just: but the wicked shall be filled with mischief.