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Baptist Heritage and Covenant Theology

Source Name: 
Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom (p. 16-17)
Source Author: 
Samuel Fisk

In Divine Sovereignty and Human Freedom (p. 16-17), Samuel Fisk refers to The Biblical Faith of Baptists, Messages at the Fundamental Baptist Congress of North America, Volume I. "The final message was given by Dr. Richard V. Clearwaters. The last page in this volume cites the position of Baptists: ‘To summarize the distinctions that the Baptist heritage, coming from the Ana-Baptists, has left throughout the ages we would say that they differ greatly and grossly with Covenant and/or Reformed Theology in their Biblical patterns and teachings on God’s Decrees and Limited Atonement’ (v.224)."

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 15:7

The lips of the wise disperse knowledge: but the heart of the foolish doeth not so.