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Abiding Principles of the Law Adapted by Grace

Source Name: 
Grace: the Glorious Theme (p. 230-231)
Source Author: 
Lewis Sperry Chafer

"Thus it may be concluded that the written law of Moses is not intended to be the rule of the believer’s life under grace. Yet, on the other hand, the abiding principles of the law which are adaptable to grace, are carried forward and restated under the teachings of grace; not as law, but reformed to the mold of infinite grace. This great fact is aptly illustrated by the experience of an American citizen who was in Germany at the breaking out of the recent war. Fleeing through Holland, he reached England with his pocket filled with German gold coin. This coin, bearing the German stamp, was of no value as currency in England; but, when melted and restamped in the mints of England, it bore all the value of coin in that realm. Thus the intrinsic value of the gold of the law is preserved and reappears bearing the stamp of the new teachings of grace."

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 11:25

The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.