The Nature of the Warfare
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Most wars are evil in nature and are based upon corrupt motives. However, the warfare that is the Christian life is a "good fight." At this present time, it is the only war that can be declared with unwavering certainty to be of God. Men fight fleshly wars to satisfy their own lusts, but the Christian warfare is ordered of the Lord. Unlike carnal wars, this battle is one of faith. The battle plans are given by a captain that is seated in heaven and must be accepted by faith. Victories and defeats may not be as visible, and the toll of wounded or killed will never be reported on the daily news, but the results of this battle have far greater consequences than any war fought between two people groups.
- (For smaller children) You are asked to clean your room. You don't want to, but then remember Colossians 3:20Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.
See All... and clean it anyway. You just won a good fight because you did what God wanted you to do and didn't disobey like the Devil wanted you to. - What does the Bible suggest when it calls the Christian life a "fight of faith"? How does this identify many wars that have been fought in the name of Christianity as unscriptural?
- How can the Christian warfare be called a good fight? What makes this warfare good while the vast majority of the wars fought by men are evil ?
- Ask God to help you see the faith involved in the believer’s fight.
- Ask the Lord to help you fight the good fight.
Loyalty to Christ
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