The Hardness of Your Hearts
The Hardness of Your Hearts
Because of the hardness of man’s heart, God permitted man to seek a divorce. The Pharisees, who generally sought to broaden the law’s reach and its application, sought to expand the justification for a divorce. The Lord never condoned this type of perversion of truth but quickly told the Pharisees that God never intended for marriage to have an escape clause when a man simply grew weary or discontented. God introduced the bill of divorcement because of the hardness of men’s hearts. Even then, the Lord indicated very limited grounds for a biblical divorce. Divorce was never intended to be an option for the masses, and even in those cases where a bill of divorcement was justified or allowed, the Lord still preferred reconciliation between the husband and wife.
(For children)The Pharisees were known for strictly carrying out the law. They knew the answers to their own questions. Jesus said, “Have ye not read?” When we stubbornly refuse to turn from wrongdoing in spite of warnings, our hearts will become hardened (Hebrews 3:12-13).
(For everyone):Why did the Lord introduce the bill of divorcement? What was God’s original intent in marriage? Why do men always seek justification to violate God’s intention?
(For everyone):What should your mindset be when entering into marriage? What steps should you take prior to marriage to ensure a healthy and holy marriage?
Thank God for the godly homes and ask Him to preserve them.
Ask the Lord to help you understand the reason for divorce.
Take My Life, And Let it Be
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