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That You May Grow - Purpose of the Series

Content Author: 
Melton, Donnie
  • A common misstatement made by someone who delays getting saved is “I have too much to give up to get saved!”  Yet, the very opposite is true.  Jesus asked, “For what is a man profited,  if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”   (Matthew 16:26). The Christian life is one of gain, not of loss.
  • In this section, you will examine this life of gain.  First, you will consider how you can gain from the assurance of salvation.  Secondly, you will observe how you can gain from baptism as a Believer.  Thirdly, you will discover what you can gain from church membership.  Indeed, there is much you can gain by becoming a Christian.
  • Because of the importance of this section on That You Might Gain , it is discussed in detail.  It is divided into three lessons.  Each lesson will be a great help to you.  So important is the first lesson on the Assurance of Salvation , it is divided into four parts.  The assurance of salvation is essential to your spiritual growth! As you study this section on what you can gain, you will discover the Christian life is one of gain. Therefore, study this section diligently that you may grow!
  • In order to profit more from this study, be sure you always read the biblical text for each lesson. The biblical text will help you to understand better the truths presented in this study.
Donnie Melton

Daily Proverb

Proverbs 16:7

When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.