Ahab Takes Naboth’s Vineyard
This chapter shows us what happens when the covetous heart runs free. The righteous Naboth paid the initial price of Ahab’s covetousness. We should beware the evil results of a covetous heart.
Elijah on Mount Horeb
Elijah had just enjoyed one of the greatest victories in the Bible record. He follows it up with a great defeat.
Four Arguments Against Euthanasia or Mercy Killing
Euthanasia literally means good death. It is also called mercy killing. In the Netherlands where euthanasia has been practiced for years, it is called deliverance. It is advocated by Dr. Kevorkian (Dr. Death) and the Hemlock Society. Recently Oregon passed the first measure in the history of the U.S. to legalize euthanasia (although it has had trouble in the courts). The Bible clearly teaches against the practice of euthanasia.
The Dedication of the Temple
The ark of the covenant was brought from the city of David. Solomon’s Temple was on Mount Moriah and was located to the north of the city of David which is Zion – Zion was later used to refer to the entire city of Jerusalem and also to the heavenly abode of God.
Warnings Against Rejecting Wisdom
Answer a fool according to his folly, and answer not a fool according to his folly. Is this a contradiction in the Bible?
Joshua Takes Charge
Moses is dead. Joshua must accept the fact and take his role as leader of the Israelites.
The Architecture of Solomon's Temple (Daily Portion 10418)
Most people will not slow down to understand difficult passages like this. It deals with the architecture of Solomon’s Temple and uses unfamiliar words. But, for most of us, the passage is no more difficult than a description of a modern building by an architect. We would have to work to understand that as well. Be willing to look up some words and take time to understand the structure. Realize also that you will not be able to answer all your questions. However, your efforts will be rewarded. And your increased understanding of the Temple will prepare you to receive spiritual truths behind the physical structure. May the Lord help you in this special study.
David is Caught in His Sins
In this chapter, we learn three great lessons: 1) your sin will surely catch up with you and find you out; 2) the judgment of sin is more than you can ever imagine; 3) God shows great mercy to those who truly repent and turn to Him.
David’s Sin With Bathsheba
In this chapter, one of the great men of God in the Bible falls deeply into sin. How could David do such a thing?
The Law is Not a Vain Thing (Daily Portion 10403)
In this last section of the song of Moses, Moses contrasted the Rock of Israel with the rock of the other nations. God also promised to revenge His people. Moses closed the song with a plea to observe God’s commandments. The law is not a vain thing. It is your life by which you prolong your days in the land. The same day, the Lord told Moses to ascend Mount Nebo where he would see the Promised Land before he died.