Liberty Throughout the Land
No one should ever be forced to believe in Jesus Christ as Saviour.
Simeon’s Meeting with the Christ
Are you as anxious for our Lord’s soon return as Simeon was for the Lord’s first coming?
A Multitude of Sacrifices
a description of the multitude of sacrifices required before our saviour paid our sin debt
Lessons from the Sower
What were some of the lessons that our Lord was trying to teach when He spoke this great parable about the sower?
Amos 0002 - Lesson 1
A Bible college course that deals with a verse-by-verse study of the Book of Amos
Amos 0001 - Lesson 5
A Bible college course that deals with a verse-by-verse study of the Book of Amos
The Making of a Covenant
A covenant is a solemn agreement. The most important covenants in the Bible are those in which God makes a covenant with man: the Abrahamic Covenant, the Davidic Covenant, etc. Here is a covenant which man makes with God. The Israelites recognize the importance of God and covenant together to wholly follow Him.
Revival of the Word of God
This is one of the great revivals in the Bible. As usual, it is a revival of the word of God. When God’s people return to the word and obey its teachings, they experience great joy and are greatly blessed by the Lord.
The Problem of Greed
We are to care for our brothers and sisters in the Lord. No man is an island (Romans 14:7). We are to bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2). Certainly, we are not to take financial advantage of other in their times of need.