Looking for a City
As this earth fades more and more from the desires of our heart, we begin to look forward and upward for a city to come. Are you going to that city? Are you prepared to go if the Lord was to call?
The Five Major Offerings
The Levitical sacrificial system had five separate and distinct offerings that could be made to the Lord. These are the five major offerings that are introduced in the first five chapters of Leviticus. Each of these offerings provide a practical application for a godly walk and a beautiful picture of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Failures in Fellowship
Historically, the word fellow means to lay money; as to lay money down. A fellow was one who financially supported a business deal with someone else; a business partner. Fellowship then is to be united together in covenant for a common purpose.
God's Dealings With Man Through the Ages
Picture in your mind as you look from left to right a shadow, an image and a sun. This may not mean much to you but in this very picture is the scope of God's dealings with man through the ages.
Giving God What's Left
The tendency of Old Testament Jews was to give God their leftovers. Our tendency is the same. What should we give God?
Bible Dictionary Entry. The word, abate, came to English from French. Literally, abate means to beat down or batter. It can also mean to come down. It refers most often to the lessening of the strength of an action in some way or another.
A Biblical Overview of the Death Penalty
Many a misguided believer or critic who opposes the death penalty will quote the well known sixth commandment, “Thou shalt not kill” (Exodus 20:13) as the basis for their argument.
Door Keeper in the House of the Lord
Many today love to have the preeminence (3 John 1:9) like Diotrephes of old. Man desires a position. God takes a servant and gives him a job to do.
Like a Dove
Many of the teachings about the Holy Ghost are false. But that is no reason to ignore Him. The Bible says much about the Holy Spirit and His working in the life of the believer. In scripture, the dove is given as a type and picture of the Holy Ghost. This type provides much valuable teaching and direction.