Water in the Bible
How many times does "water" occur in the Bible and what is it's significance?
Vow, Oath, Swear and Pledge
Please distinguish the terms "vow", "oath", "swear" and "pledge." Some of these are interchangeable and some are referred to in the bible as totally different from each other. I'm specifically interested in what Jesus meant in Matthew 5:33-37 and how that applies to nowadays "pledging" for a building fund or other church projects.
The Virgin Birth
Please give me a study report about the virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14) and its fulfillment in the New Testament.
Urim and Thummin
How does the practice of "Urim and Thummin" in the Old Testament differ from forbidden practices of divination?
The Unknown Tongue
What is the unknown tongue? Is it the babbling that the Pentecostals are doing today?
Understanding Paul's Dispensation
Why is the Bible so vague, meaning why can't most Christians or so called Christians understand the dispensation of Paul's message? The difference between the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Gospel of Grace.
Two Antiochs
There are 2 Antioch's in the book of Acts. What are the difference of them. Can you tell me a little of the reason why there are 2.
How to Know if a Person is a True Prophet
I do not believe we should be looking for prophets today. However, for the sake of discussion, I will give three biblical tests of a true prophet. They are a good way to test prophets for any age or time.
The Twelve Tribes - Where Are They Now?
What happened to the twelve tribes of Israel? Do we know anything about where they are today?
The Truth About Predestination
The Bible states that God "predestines" Christians for a future with Christ in Heaven and that he does NOT predestine others to Hell; however, does this mean that only a few of the Christians on Earth were predestined by God and the rest "happened" to come to Christ by the work of these Christians and the Holy Spirit? Or were ALL the people who God knew would become Christian through His omniscience thus "predestined" by Christ?