The Cure for Emptiness
Wherever you are, now is the time to repent and come back to the Lord. Break up that fallow ground and sow in righteousness as you seek the Lord.
God of the Impossible
God’s special display of power is reserved for special times of need. God rarely shows Himself when He is not sought. His habit is to perform His miracles in the face of the impossible. Sometimes, the situation needs to get to the impossible before He will work in power and great glory.
Armed for the Fight
God has provided the arms and the armor we need for the battle and will give us the victory if we will trust in Him.
What Is A Missionary? Or, Will the Real Missionary Please Stand Up?
the job of a missionary
The Heart of Hospitality
This short epistle deals with one specific problem: the reception and aid of the brethren who will be passing through as they perform their deeds of ministry. In short, this epistle is about the importance of hospitality.
God’s Purpose for this Age of Grace
God’s purpose for this age is not to create an earthly utopia, as taught by the Reconstructionists and other Amillennialists. However, that does not mean that our outlook is pessimistic. It is pessimistic only if we keep our eyes on the world.
Kindness for Jonathan’s Sake
You and I are lame on both feet—but God has a gift for us through Jesus Christ if we will accept Him.
What We Keep in Heaven
It is not what we escape, but what we gain, by going to heaven that thrills our souls. It is not our desire to be unclothed, but to be clothed upon, that moves us to seek its residence.