The Bible - Science or Fiction?
There are many today who would hold the view that the Bible is a good Book, possibly a Holy Book, but certainly not a scientific Book. Is this a fair view of the Bible, or could it be that it is a far more scientific Book than we give it credit for?
The Cities of Refuge are Types of the Lord Jesus Christ
What the cities of refuge were to Israel, sheltering the sinner from judgment, the Lord Jesus Christ is to us.
Eternal Joy With Him
Felix Mantz was also an originator of the Reformation of the faith, in Germany, and when he, with great zeal, practiced, taught, and preached, the recognized truth of the gospel, he was envied, accused, and imprisoned by his adversaries, and finally drowned at Zurich, for the evangelical truth, thus becoming a witness of the sufferings of Christ. This occurred in the year of our Lord 1526.
Elizabeth - The Lord's Handmaiden
Elizabeth was apprehended on the 15th of January, 1549. When those who had come to apprehend her entered the house in which she lived, they found a Latin Testament. Having secured Elizabeth, they said, “We have got the right man; we have now the teacheress;”
John Hillsman - A Soldier for the Lord
In his youth, John Hillsman lived the life of the soldier and of the adventurer. In his prime, he became a successful business man and an honorable community leader. But none of these accomplishments satisfied the longings in his soul. At an age when many prepare to die, he began a new life.
Christians and Santa Claus
Many believers could be greatly offended that we would even deal with the issue of Santa Claus. “It is innocent”, you can hear them say. Yet a careful look into the scriptures would deny that this lie is anywhere near innocent.
Crossing the Line With God
In this passage we find that Moses has crossed a line with God and will not be able to go into the promised land. What can we learn from Moses' mistake that we might not make the same mistakes.
The Dayspring From On High
The dayspring is the spring of the day; that is, the morning. This passage reveals some of the scientific details about this phenomenon. However, the dayspring is also a type of Jesus Christ, as revealed in the only other place in the Bible where the word occurs – Luke 1:78.
Did Christ Go To Hell?
Did Christ go to hell? There is much controversy over this question. What does the Bible say?
The Doctrine of Christ
The phrase, doctrine of Christ, is found three times in the Bible. Two times in 2 John 1:9 and once in Hebrews 6:1. It refers to the Bible teaching concerning the person and work of Jesus Christ. We must know who Christ is and believe in that Christ.